4/16 Sunday School
This school year, the children embarked on a project to spread peace throughout the world. Our fall curriculum, “How to be a Peacemaker,” written by Tammy Martens, told the story of “Sadadko and the Thousand Paper Cranes.” Inspired by the “Peace Crane Project” the children made over 100 origami cranes, hearts, and doves. This organization “invites every student on the planet to fold an origami crane, write a message of peace on its wings, then exchange it with another student somewhere in the world. The Project builds friendships, strengthens hand-eye coordination and writing skills, teaches geography, exposes students to new languages and cultures, and empowers youth to make a difference in their community, country, and world.”
In December, we displayed our cranes in the windows of the sanctuary for our Peace themed Christmas Eve Service.
In January, we connected with an afterschool enrichment group in Gainesville, Georgia and a small, one room schoolhouse on the island of Anacortes which is located off the coast of Washington. We sent each school a collection of 50+ cranes, hearts, and doves, some with special messages. Additionally, the children sent “About Me” forms to the schools.
On display here are the cranes and origami pieces we received, “About Me” forms from the children we connected with, and special messages and pictures we received after the exchange. Some of the cranes we received had special messages written inside that were such a treat to discover!
Perhaps you would like to make a crane, heart, or dove! Before folding, write a special message on the paper. Or, write something special on the wings. Give the crane to a loved one or leave it here for our community.
This week….
PreK-2nd grade students will enjoy music at 9:00 and then listen to s story with Jill Westberg and Josie Gilbert. Children under the age of 5 are invited to stay as long as they are able and then transfer to the nursery to play with Antonia Wuschner and Amalia Sherrill.
3rd-5th Grade will begin a new module focusing on “Prayer.” This module will help children to develop specific skills and tools for a life of prayer. This week, they will practice silence and listening to God. Sally Allen and Paul Vash will guide them through the discussion and active stations. Be sure to stop in and see the PEACE mobile the children made during the Peacemaker module. (See attached photo).
Looking ahead: Do you have any magazines with positive words and phrases and/or pictures of food? O Magazine, Runner's World, National Geographic, Food Network, etc? In November, 3-5 will create a Thanksgiving collage. I'm looking for magazines that might work for this project. If you have some to share, please bring them to the Bridges Room or leave in the office with my name on them. Thanks!
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.