
We are a congregational church

There are no bishops or other outside authorities who direct our activities or make decisions for us.

We are a covenantal church

“Believing in the Creator, in the Christ, and in the Holy Spirit: we covenant together in this church to walk in the ways of God known or to be made known to us. As a community of concern, we pledge to worship together, learn together and work together to build loving relationships with all people and to live in healthy balance with all of God’s creation.”

We choose our own pastors

We form a search committee of members. They are assisted by the Wisconsin Council United Church of Christ, but themselves develop a profile of the church and a job description. The committee responds to candidates, interviewing some, and ultimately inviting one to lead worship at ORUCC on a “candidating Sunday”. The congregation then votes on whether to call the candidate.

We meet annually to vote on our officers and budget

We select a Leadership Team consisting of a Moderator, a Moderator-Elect, a Treasurer, a Clerk, and five at-large members. The past Moderator also serves on the Leadership Team, and the pastors are ex officio members. Read the annual report for 2023 which provides summaries of church leadership, activities, and finances.

Five Ministries do much of the church’s work

Ministry of Resources

Ministry of Adult Faith Formation

Ministry of Youth Faith Formation

Ministry of Christian Witness and Service

Ministry of Congregational Life

Pastors and Leadership Team members support the work of each Ministry

Each Ministry is “staffed” by a pastor, and an at-large Leadership Team member is designated a liaison to one of the Ministries.

Mission Teams are formed as needed

These teams focus on particular needs or ongoing programs and report to one of the Ministries. They may consist of just two or three members, or many more. They may have a short duration, or they may persist indefinitely.

Annual Report

The 2023 annual report provides a summary of church leadership, activities, and finances in 2022. Paper copies are available at the church. Past annual reports for 2022, 2021 and 2020 are also available.

Church leadership for 2024

Leadership Team (3-year terms) 

You can contact our lay leadership (moderator, past moderator, and moderator elect) at [email protected]

Past Moderator: Hal Evensen (Feb 2022 thru Jan 2025) 

Moderator: Deanna Blanchard (Feb. 2023 thru Jan. 2026) 

Moderator Elect: Dale Rebhorn (Feb 2024thru Jan. 2027)

Treasurer: John Day (renewed Feb 2018 thru Jan 2025*) 

Clerk: Jim McNamara (renewed Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025) 

At large members

At Large members:

Susan Dovell (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2027)

Ann Rifenberg (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2027)

Jarrett Gersten (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2026) – Resources Liaison 

Mary Connor (Feb 2022 thru Jan 2025) – AFF Liaison 

Sara Hagen (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2026) – Congregational Life Liaison

TBD (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2027) – CWS Liaison

TBD (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2027) – YFF liaison


Members of ministries serve two year terms which can be extended. * indicates an extended term.


Chair: Jon Blanchard (Feb 2019 thru Jan 2026*)
Rick Daluge (Feb 2019 thru Jan 2025*)
Matt Dixon (Feb 2019 thru Jan 2026*)
Paul Eggerling-Boeck (Feb 2019 thru Jan 2025*)
Joyce Pohl (March 2021 thru Jan 2026*)
Darren Schoer (March 2021 thru Jan 2025*)
Cindy Fillingame (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)

Kurt Jaehnig (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Christian Witness and Service

Chair: LuAnn Greiner (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)
Julie Horst (Feb 2022 thru Jan 2026*)
Dan Miller (jointly) (Feb 2020-Jan 2026*)
Bruce Olsen (Feb 2020-Jan 2024)
Diane Dulin (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)
Giulia Lawrence (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)

David Allen (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Mary Neuhaus (Feb 2024 thru Jan2025)

Adult Faith Formation

Chair: Leslie Linser (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)
Steve Pearson (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)

Susi Petta (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Bob Millholland (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Susan Soric (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Bev Davis (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Youth Faith Formation

Chair: Paul Vash (Mar 2021 thru Jan 2026*)
Marcia Beckett (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)
Joanna Beilman-Dulin (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)

Al Blanchard (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Claire Purkis (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Jenny Whitacre (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Congregational Life

Chair: Karin Drury (Feb 2020 thru Jan 2026*)
Jane Geier (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)
Barb Wells (Feb 2023 thru Jan 2025)

Laura Conners (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Cheryl Donkle (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Stewardship Mission Team

Chair: Jim McNamara (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Ben Lancour-Youth Representative (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Jarrett Gersten (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Roger Avery (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Rick Daluge (Feb 2024 thru Jan 2026)

Nominating Committee

Chair: Dale Rebhorn, Moderator Elect
Deanna Blanchard

Susan Wagoner

Others to be named later.

Financial Secretaries

Nancy Wetterstem

Mary Bucknell
Joyce Dingman
Bryce Amburn
Gene Dyar
Peter Hoff
Jennifer Eggerling-Boeck
Meg Stevens
Nancy Wettersten


Mary Connor

Note: Leadership team will be evaluating this role and defining its duties. Anyone interested in contributing to this discussion should contact Deanna Blanchard or other members of the Leadership Team.