Worship resources for this week

Each week we give you links to virtual worship, a copy of the order of worship, and information about in-person and virtual activities. Resources for Sunday worship are usually updated on Saturday. Archive of past worship resources posts.

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  • Worship Resources for Sunday, July 21, 2024

    Orchard Ridge

    United Church of Christ

    Sunday Worship Resources

    Sunday, July 21, 2024

    10:00 am Worship

    Sermon: Phil Haslanger

    Centering Moment: Leslie Linser

    Lay Liturgist: Dee Seyfarth

    Musical Offerings: Paul Vash

    11:15 am  Sermon Talk-Back: Leslie Linser

    Click Here for Printable Bulletin

    Join our Worship virtually

    on YouTube any time after 10 am:

    YouTube Link

    You will need to refresh the page

    after 10 am if you have opened it before

    For Children & Youth

    “Kids in the Garden”


    ”Kids in the Garden” is our yearly summer enrichment program. During worship, children ages 6 and older (ages 5 and younger must be accompanied by a caregiver) will be invited to hear a nature-themed story, visit our Children’s Garden plot to collect herbs, and make a snack to serve after worship. This program will be offered three more times throughout the summer: 8/4,11, & 25. While there is no staffed nursery care during the summer, children of all ages are always welcome to remain in service or to visit the “Crossroads” with a caregiver as well.   

    There is no regularly scheduled 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Children and Youth during the summer. Sunday School will resume on September 8th!



    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Food Pantry: Helping at home in our church neighborhood

    Did you know that Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (GSLC) offers a weekly (Thursday) food pantry? This pantry located at 5701 Raymond Road opened its doors in 2005 and currently serves up to 75 eligible individuals and families each week.   Rick Thomas, GSLC Outreach Director, reports that the pantry has experienced record high demand (up to 50% more attendance) since late winter 2024. He also reports that local pantries have seen fewer food products come from Second Harvest, the main supplier to Dane Co food pantries, due to high demand throughout the county. GSLC has had to rely heavily on an internal pantry fund to maintain an adequate supply of food items on the pantry shelves. Additional funds are much-needed at this time. Can we at ORUCC help?


    We invite ORUCC members to make monetary donations to the GSLC food pantry fund through our July Compassion Offering. Your donations will go toward direct purchase of food items that best meet the needs of food pantry clients. Please consider a generous donation to keep the GSLC food pantry well-stocked for those in need.

    Additional ways that you can help:

             Food, paper goods or personal items are also accepted year-round at the GSLC Donation Room during weekday hours.

    –         Volunteer at the GSLC Food Pantry: Assist with registration, act as a host or help with stocking the shelves. Thursdays, 9:30am-Noon or 5:30pm-7pm. Familiarity with languages is a bonus, such as Spanish, Middle Eastern dialects, others. Contact: Rick [email protected] or ORUCC contact Jane [email protected]


    –         Volunteer your time in the ORUCC Veggie Village garden where we tend and harvest fresh vegetables for the GSLC food pantry. Contact: LuAnn Greiner [email protected]


    Please give generously. Thank you.

    You can make a donation by check, on the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711,

    or donate online from our website

    The link is https://orucc.org/contribute/support/

    Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey

    Pastor Julia is on Maternity Leave until September.

    Please contact Pastor Kate or Pastor Ken in the meantime!

    Associate Pastor: Rev. Kate Mackey EMAIL

    Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings EMAIL

    Children’s Education Coordinator & Music Director: Julie Mazer EMAIL

    Office Manager George Decker

    608-271-7212 or EMAIL


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