Ways to Contribute

All undesignated offerings collected at church services are given to our monthly Compassion Offering. To learn more about each month’s Compassion Offering, please click here. To contribute online to this month’s Compassion Offering, please use this button:

Members of our congregation support the ordinary expenses of running our church through annual pledges. We do not expect visitors to contribute to church expenses. Members may make their pledge payments online, using the button below, by putting their payments in the offering plate, by sending a check to the church, or by arranging for automatic payments.

The Thanksgiving Year-Round Fund provides food assistance to families in our neighborhood.  The fund was originally used for the end-of-the-year holidays, but now our social work partners distribute food and gas gift cards throughout the year.  Donations are welcomed at any time.  To contribute online to this fund, please use this button and enter the amount of your contribution in the Thanksgiving Year-Round Fund box.

The Jane Ilgen Literacy Fund was created by Jane Ilgen to provides books to children. You can learn more about Jane and the fund by clicking this link: Jane Ilgen Literacy Fund, To contribute directly to the fund (which is maintained by the Wisconsin Conference of the UCC,) click on the button below.