1/29 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room to complete a letter that they will send to our partner school in Gainesville, Georgia as part of the Peace Crane Project. We will mail our letters and cranes to them; and, they will mail back letters and cranes. Paul Vash will be our Music Connections Volunteer. (Thank you to those who have signed up to be volunteers this winter/spring! There's still space available for others to get involved at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0944a5ab2b0-2023#/)

Any time that remains will be spent with our ukuleles. Your child is welcome to bring theirs from home if they have one! This April, we are invited to play two songs with TruFunction! So, we'll be revisiting the instrument many times throughout the next few months and mastering some new chords. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director