
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. We would love to share this meal with you. We practice open table communion, which means ALL are welcome at the table of God’s love. Whether you are a member or visitor, Christian or not, baptized or not, a child or an adult, you are welcome to partake in the Lord’s Supper; all you have to be is spiritually hungry. We strive to make this moment as inclusive as possible, so along with bread, we have gluten free crackers, and along with wine we have non-alcoholic grape juice.

In our tradition, Communion is one of the two sacraments we practice (along with Baptism). We understand this ritual to have been instituted by Jesus during the Last Supper with his disciples. Communion is a ritual moment where we approach God at the table, and the invisible grace and love of God is made visible to us through bread and juice, which become symbols to us of Christ’s presence.

Communion has rich symbolism as the body and blood of Christ, or the bread of life and cup of blessing. We think of communion as nourishment for the journey with Jesus. This meal is one of the ways we become one with the incarnate world, and where we understand God’s desire for our wholeness and God’s forgiveness of the ways we participate in harmful systems, and a way to start again fresh, reconciled and forgiven.