Children and youth news
ORUCC February 9 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, February 9, 2025 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events, photos of recent events, and a prayer to try as a family this week. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Nursery Care is available 8:30-11:30. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one. Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. ALL PreK-6th Grade Children will meet…
ORUCC February 2 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, February 2, 2025 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events, photos of recent events, and a prayer to try as a family this week. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Nursery Care is available 8:30-11:30. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one. Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. ALL CHILDREN AND YOUTH will meet…
ORUCC January 26 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, January 26, 2025 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events and photos of recent events. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Nursery Care is available 8:30-11:30. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one. Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. PreK-1 (William Johnson Room): Children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room…
ORUCC January 19 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, January 19, 2025 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events and photos of recent events. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Supported Childcare Jade will be available in the Crossroads 8:30-11:30. This service allows parents to socialize and engage in the service but encourages parents to stay nearby to assist their child, as well. Children and Youth Faith Formation is at…
ORUCC January 12 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, January 12, 2025 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events and photos of recent events. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Supported Childcare opens at 8:30 am. Jade will be available in the Crossroads to asssit with childcare. Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. PreK-1 (William Johnson Room): Children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson…
ORUCC January 5 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, January 5, 2025 Dear Families, Happy New Year week! We are so grateful to be in ministry together at ORUCC. This coming Sunday is Epiphany. There will be a special all-ages faith formation event at 9:00 a.m. Please read below for details about this, and other upcoming events. Nursery Care is not available this week. Families are welcome to use the space and materials in the Crossroads. You are also welcome to visit the nursery with your child. Intergenerational Faith Formation 9:00 a.m.: All are welcome to…
ORUCC December 29 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, December 29, 2024 Dear Families, A Hearty Thank You to those who were able to actively worship with us on December 24, and a Warm Hug and Hello to those who kept us in their hearts from afar. Now is the time to rest and recharge. We will not hold 9 AM Faith Formation this Sunday. Your child is welcome to attend the 10 am Worship Service. Nursery Care/Supported Childcare is also off this Sunday. Programming resumes next Sunday, January 5, with a special Intergenerational Faith Formation…
ORUCC December 8 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, December 8, 2024 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! We have many Christmas events and preparations coming up, in addition to our regular 9:00 a.m. Faith Formation programming. Please read on for more details. Nursery Care opens at 8:30 am. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one! Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. PreK-2 (William Johnson Room): Children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. We’ll rehearse the songs “The Friendly Beasts” and…
ORUCC December 1 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, December 1, 2024 Dear Families, Happy Thanksgiving week! We are so grateful to be in ministry together at ORUCC. This coming Sunday is the first week of Advent. There will be a special all-ages faith formation event at 9:00 a.m. Please read below for details about this, and other upcoming events. Nursery Care is not available this week. Families are welcome to use the space and materials in the Crossroads. You are also welcome to visit the nursery with your child. Intergenerational Faith Formation 9:00 a.m.: We…
ORUCC Service Trip Updates and Response Needed
Hello (potential) Service Trip families! Thank you to those who have paid the $300 deposit already. Our website link for donation is up and running now. Please see here to pay online, if you would like. If you are interested in a scholarship, or need an alternative payment plan, please don't hesitate to let me know. Our Christmas Cookie fundraiser is coming up, December 8! Please see the following information from our Cookie planning team (Laura, Sara, Jerry, Rachael, Jared):The Christmas Cookie and Bake Sale is coming on Sunday, Dec 8th! We are asking each family to make 8 dozen cookies to contribute to the bake sale. You are also welcome to make specialty items…
Continue Reading ORUCC Service Trip Updates and Response Needed
ORUCC October 27 Children and Youth News
Nursery – High School Programming ORUCC Children and Youth Faith Formation Update Sunday, October 27, 2024 Dear Families, We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events–including our yearly Treinen Farms Event this Friday, on October 25th! Be sure to continue reading to see a few photos from the children’s bread-making experience on 10/20. ~Pastor Kate and Julie M. Nursery Care opens at 8:30 am. Najma and Jenny are ready to play with your little one! Children…
ORUCC Youth Updates & Feedback Requested!
Dear friends,Fall is in full swing! I hope that everyone is getting settled into the new school year. There are two important things I would like to bring to your attention regarding our youth at ORUCC: Invitation for Gilda's Walk/Run, Sunday October 6:This is a fundraising walk (2 mi.) or run (5K) for Gilda’s Club Madison, a nonprofit cancer support community that provides free emotional support, cancer education, and hope to thousands of children and adults impacted by any kind of cancer and to those who care for them. Francesca Vash has organized a team in honor of Lauren Ambrun, mother of…
Teaming Up on the 2023 Youth Service Trip
By Bajinnem R. Cranol Last summer ORUCC’s youth went on a trip to Duluth, MN. We spent a week doing service work helping at a number of different locations including a farm, a Boys and Girls Club, and a state park. While doing this we were separated into three separate teams. Each of these groups would work together while at sites during the day. We also worked together in other situations, such as preparing meals. These groups helped us stay organized and effective, but they also helped in other ways too. We worked together, but we also laughed together and…
ORUCC Youth 5/26
Hello friends! On this Memorial Day weekend, we will not have 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. However, TRU Function will still practice at their regular time, 10:00-12:00. Some upcoming dates:May 27: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Mandatory Service Trip Meeting for Youth & ChaperonesJune 2: End of Programming Year celebration, TRU Function in worship! Sundae Sunday to follow. June 16: Freecycle Event at church! Jill Westberg and the Care of Creation Team wonder if any youth could help with this event. Freecycle invites folks to bring gently used items to church to be exchanged (anything leftover will be donated). They are looking for volunteers to set up and…
5/26 – No Children’s Programming
No Children's Programming this Sunday. Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads for Supported Childcare at 8:30 am. — Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
ORUCC Youth 5/19
Hello friends,This Sunday is Confirmation Sunday! Due to this special day, we will not have youth Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. TRU Function will practice from 8:30-9:45 to accommodate youth being in service for confirmation. All confirmation youth and parents, please arrive at 9:45 to run through the logistics of the confirmation liturgy. We will celebrate after service with cake in Friendship Hall!A few dates to keep in mind going forward:BRAT FEST is next weekend. Please sign up to work a shift to support our Youth Service trip! No Sunday school 5/26. Monday, May 27 we will have a mandatory Service Trip meeting…
5/19 Sunday School
This week…8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. All children (PreK-5) will gather at 9 am in the Ruby Bridges Room for a special Pentecost lesson with Joanna, Diane, and Julie. Following the story, the children will have opportunities to engage in sand play, collage, and watercolor painting. We'll end with a Pentecost Guided Meditation. After Sunday School, we'll support our Confirmed Youth in worship. Children will stay in service with you to witness this honored tradition. Caregivers, have you filled out our Children and Youth Programming Review?Upcoming: No Sunday School 5/26.June 2: Rachel and Julie will offer…
ORUCC Youth 5/12
Hello friends, This Sunday we will have Youth Sunday School in the Dorothy Day Room at 9:00 a.m. Susan and Pastor Kate will help shepherd the youth through another Echo of the Psalms. TRU Function will practice from 10:00-Noon. Our final confirmation session will take place 3:30-5:30! Looking ahead:May 19 Confirmation Sunday, Worship 10:00 a.m. (No Sunday School) Confirmation youth/families: Please plan to arrive around 9:45 a.m. to touch base before the service! May 26 Memorial Day weekend–No Sunday School May 24-26: Service Trip folks: Please sign up for a Brat Fest volunteer shift if you haven't already!…
5/12 Music Connections
This week, Music Connections gets a double whammy! All children (PreK-5) will gather at 9 am in the William Johnson Room for music. After the singing, Music Connections 2-6 graders will shift to the Anne Frank Room to rehearse our special meditative music for the 10 am worship service. Younger children and those not interested in participating in the music (or observing the music), are invited to stay with Jill and Josie to hear a story about when the Disciples saw Jesus by the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection. After sharing our special music during worship, we’ll shift downstairs for our FINAL Music…
5/12 Sunday School
This week…8:30 Supported Childcare: Marcia will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. All children (PreK-5) will gather at 9 am in the William Johnson Room for music. After the singing, Music Connections 2-6 graders will shift to the Anne Frank Room to rehearse our special meditative music for the 10 am worship service. Younger children and those not interested in participating in the music (or observing the music), are invited to stay with Jill and Josie to hear a story about when the Disciples saw Jesus by the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection. Looking Ahead: May 19: Confirmation SundayJune 2:…
ORUCC Youth 5/5
Hello friends,Happy May! We are rapidly approaching the end of the school year and racing towards summer. Believe it or not, we only have three sessions of Sunday school remaining before the end of the year. This Sunday, Susan and Kristin will lead our youth through another session of Echo with the Psalms at 9:00 a.m. TRU Function practices 10:00-noon. It is Work & Worship Sunday: please consider staying after worship to help work on the building and grounds! Confirmation will meet downstairs 3:30-5:30 p.m., with Pastor Julia joining us. Mark your calendars!May 19: Confirmation Sunday (no Sunday school)May 26: Memorial Day weekend…
5/5 Music Connections
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour downstairs in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Room. We've made great progress in our guided meditation project and will use the entire time before communion to review our music. Bethany S. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Would you believe that there are ONLY THREE remaining Music Connections of this programming year?! I am in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer on May 12. Can you assist? Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ Children’s Education CoordinatorChildren’s Music Director
Sunday School 5/5
This week…8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. All children (PreK-5) will gather at 9 am in the William Johnson Room for music. After the singing, we will tour the gardens outside with Jill to learn more about the ORUCC Veggie Village and Rain Garden. We might even have a chance to get our hands dirty; aka, come in your grubbies for Work and Worship Day! May 3: Family Game NightMay 5: Work and WorshipMay 19: Confirmation SundayJune 2: End of Programming Year CelebrationJulie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ Children’s Education CoordinatorChildren’s Music…
ORUCC Youth April 28
Hello friends! Here are the updates for Youth at ORUCC this week, April 28:TRU Function plays during worship this week! Other youth are invited to participate in an all-ages Children/Youth Labyrinth Walk in the Education Wing, starting at 9:00 a.m. Confirmation will meet from 3:30-5:30. Pastor Ken is joining us this week to share about ORUCC history, and what it means to be a member of the congregation.Awaken Dane for Parents: I strongly encourage you to attend our 9:00 session in Friendship Hall. We are considering an invitation for this next year to be part of an exciting program called Awaken…
4/28 Music Connections
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and movement. We'll revisit our guided meditation project and continue to work on the accompanying music. Al B. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Would you believe that there are ONLY THREE remaining Music Connections of this programming year?! I am in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer on May 12. Can you assist?– Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
4/28 Sunday School
This week…8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. All children and youth (PreK-HS) will gather at 9 am in the Bridges Room to center ourselves, review labyrinth expectations, and hear about “The Walk to Emmaus.” While walking the labyrinth in the Johnson Room, the children will be encouraged to wonder what it would be like for Jesus to walk alongside them. Reflection stations will be offered in both the Bridges Room and the Frank Room.May 3: Family Game NightMay 5: Work and WorshipMay 12: 9 AM, Invitation for Parents to chat with Pastor Kate and Julie…
ORUCC Youth 4/21
Hello friends,It finally feels like spring, doesn't it? Even with the rain these past few days, I have been so grateful for the abundance of flowers blooming all around us. I hope to see some of you this weekend! For youth:Sunday school at 9:00 a.m., Kristin and Susan will continue to lead through an “Echo” experience of the Psalms. TRU Function will practice from 10-Noon. Confirmation will meet at the church from 3:30-5:30. Confirmation youth: don't forget to work on your worship notes, a spiritual interview, and check out the devotional opportunity as well! Service Trip folks: early next week I will be sending…
4/21 Music Connections
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and movement. We'll revisit our guided meditation project and continue to work on the accompanying music. George G. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Would you believe that there are ONLY THREE remaining Music Connections of this programming year?! I am in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer on April 28, and May 12. Can you assist?– Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
4/21 Sunday School and Story Walk Invitation
8:30 Nursery Care: Jade and Marcia are ready to play with your little one in the nursery. Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, we'll move to the sanctuary to meet with the bell choir. During worship, the children will be invited to creatively move with the first song that the will bells play. No dance or choreography experience is needed. Just a positive attitude! Save some time before or after church to experience a “Story Walk” (Weather Permitting). On the south side of the parking lot, you'll find…
Continue Reading 4/21 Sunday School and Story Walk Invitation
ORUCC Youth Updates: Sunday 4/14 + Service Trip + Confirmation!
Hello friends, I opted to send one LONG email with lots of updates instead of multiples this week. There are many exciting things happening for our Youth! Please look through to the end so that you don't miss any information relevant to you regarding this Sunday's programming, Confirmation, and Service Trip updates. Events Sunday, April 14:No 9:00 a.m. Sunday school programming due to the All-Church Retreat at Daycholah. TRU Function will still practice 10:00-12:00.Older youth participating in the “Amazing Grace (Race)” with First Cong. Church will leave church by 12:45. You should have received an email from Julie Mazer with more details regarding this…
Continue Reading ORUCC Youth Updates: Sunday 4/14 + Service Trip + Confirmation!
No Sunday School/Music Connections 4/14
Good Morning, This is a friendly reminder that there is no regularly scheduled Children's Programming (including Nursery/Supported Childcare) this Sunday due to the All Church Retreat. Below is the line-up of upcoming events. Looking ahead: April 21: Children are invited to participate in worship in a creative movement alongside the Bell Choir. More details to come next week! April 29: Children's Labyrinth Walk 9 am– Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
ORUCC Youth April 7: All Youth & Confirmation Programming
Hello friends!After a couple weeks of spring break, we are set to be back in action this Sunday, April 7. I hope you all had time for rest and renewal over break.Today is the last day to sign up for the All-Church Retreat at Daycholah Center next weekend, April 12-14! There are scholarships available if that would be helpful for your family.9:00 a.m. Susan and Kristin will be with our youth for Sunday school, looking at “echoes” of the creation story in the Psalms. TRU Function practices from 10:00-12:00. Confirmation students will return at 3:30 for Confirmation class! Please bring your…
Continue Reading ORUCC Youth April 7: All Youth & Confirmation Programming
4/7 Sunday School and Story Walk Invitation
8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide the children in the Easter story, “Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.” The 2-5 grade classroom will revisit the symbols and lessons from their Lenten lessons and add the symbol of light. This week, the children will learn about how Jesus' light continues to shine in each of us after his resurrection. Stations will include several art opportunities. We'll close in a quiet meditation. Joanna and…
Continue Reading 4/7 Sunday School and Story Walk Invitation
ORUCC Youth Easter Sunday 3/31
Hello friends,A quick reminder that we will not have regular Sunday school on Easter Sunday. Instead, you are invited to join in the festivities! 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service, followed by Brunch10:00 a.m. Easter Worship service, followed by Easter Egg HuntIf your family would like to attend the ORUCC all-church retreat at Daycholah Center April 12-14, there's still time to sign up! Deadline for registration is April 4. Please register here. If a scholarship would be helpful for your family, please let me know. Hope to see you there!Regular Sunday school at 9:00, and Confirmation at 3:30, will resume on 4/7.Grace and…
ORUCC Youth 3/24
Hello friends,This coming Sunday is the start of Holy Week as we celebrate Palm Sunday. There will be no regular youth programming at 9:00 a.m. TRU Function is playing in worship with practice starting at 8:30 a.m. There will be an intergenerational coloring opportunity in Friendship Hall beginning at 9:00 a.m. with Holy Week activities available. The entire congregation will meet to process with palms into the worship hall a few minutes before 10:00 a.m.During Holy Week, some of you may have signed up for Maundy Thursday dinner groups 3/28. At 7:00 p.m. on 3/29, all are welcome to attend the Good…
No Sunday School/Music Connections 3/24 and 3/31
Good Morning, This is a friendly reminder that there is no regularly scheduled Children's Programming this week and next. Below is the line-up of upcoming events. March 24: Palm Sunday (no regular Sunday school; no Music Connections). There will be coloring materials at 9 am Friendship Hall for all ages. March 28: Maundy Thursday Dinners (sign up here)March 29 Good Friday Tenebrae 7:00 p.m.March 31 Easter: (no regular Sunday school; no Music Connections) 6:30 a.m. Sunrise service, followed by brunch 10:00 a.m. Easter Worship, followed by egg huntApril 7: Sunday School and Music Connections Resume– Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education…
Continue Reading No Sunday School/Music Connections 3/24 and 3/31
ORUCC Youth March 17
Hello friends,This Sunday (St. Patrick's Day!) there are many things happening for youth. Sunday school will be at 9:00 a.m., with Susan and Kristin guiding. We will continue “echoing” the story of scripture through an exploration of the Psalms. TRU Function will practice from 10-12. Following the worship service, Paul Vash is organizing an Easter-egg candy stuffing/pizza party for the youth. The eggs will be used for our Easter egg hunt on 3/31! TF youth who would like to participate are welcome to join in after practice. Any youth who will be available to help set up and facilitate the easter egg…
3/17 Music Connections
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and movement. The children have already started crafting their next project: Guided Meditation and Reflective Music. Two weeks ago, the children composed a beautiful guided meditation. This week, we'll begin to work on the accompanying music. Bethany S. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. No Music Connections 3/24 and 3/31. — Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
3/17 Sunday School
This week…8:30 Nursery Care: Jade and Marcia will be available for childcare in the nursery. Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Karen and Josie will guide the children in the Lenten stories, “Too Afraid to Follow Jesus” and “Jesus' Trial.” The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their study of the season of Lent. This week, the children will learn about Palm Sunday to prepare them for next week. Stations will include sand, several art opportunities, and puzzles. We'll close with a visual meditation by viewing art inspired by Jesus' arrival in…
ORUCC Youth March 10
Hello friends,Don't forget to “spring ahead” with your clocks this weekend!On Sunday, our youth will meet in the Day room for Breakfast Club with Kate and Kristin. TRU Function practices from 10:00-12:00. Confirmation will meet in the downstairs Brown Room from 3:30-5:30. Some fun things coming up:We are looking for youth to help stuff eggs for the Easter egg hunt! This will happen after worship on Sunday 3/17, with pizza lunch provided. Stay for Pastor Kate's installation service at 1:30! Contact Paul Vash ([email protected]) for more info.Older youth: Would you be willing to help set up and coordinate the egg hunt on…
3/10 – No Music Connections
There will not be Music Connections this week. All children will stay in worship. Music resumes next Sunday, March 17. — Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
Sunday School 3/10 – Set Clocks One Hour Ahead for Daylight Savings
This week…8:30 Jade will be available in Crossroads for Supported Childcare. Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to join Jill and Josie in the Johnson room for singing followed by the stories, “The Gift of the Poor Widow” and “A Woman Anoints Jesus for Burial.” The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their study of the season of Lent. This week, the children will learn about the Last Supper and the ritual of Communion. Stations will include sand, several art opportunities, and puzzles. Joanna and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. Be sure to pop by the Bridges Room to share your thoughts on “How We Can…
Continue Reading Sunday School 3/10 – Set Clocks One Hour Ahead for Daylight Savings
3/3 Music Connections
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and movement. The children have already started crafting their next project: Guided Meditation and Reflective Music. We'll see if that idea has stuck and if they are ready to move forward with the creation. Kristin S. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. — Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of ChristChildren's Education CoordinatorChildren's Music Director
3/3 Sunday School – Dancing the Labyrinth with Pastor Julia
This week…Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one. Sunday School starts at 9 am. ALL PreK-5th grade children are invited to sing with Julie in Friendship Hall from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Pastor Julia will guide the children in a special “Dancing the Labyrinth” experience. Be sure to pop by the Bridges Room to share your thoughts on “How We Can Make The World A Better Place.” Please add your ideas to the sign on the door. Everyone in our community is welcome to contribute. Looking ahead: 3/1: Family Game Night3/17: Pastor Kate's Installation Ceremony3/24: No Sunday School.…
Continue Reading 3/3 Sunday School – Dancing the Labyrinth with Pastor Julia
ORUCC Youth 2/25
Hello friends,This Sunday TRU Function plays in worship at 10:00–this means that they will gather at 8:30 a.m. for rehearsal. Youth who are not part of TRU Function will be invited to “Breakfast Club” with Pastor Kate and Barbara Stretchberry in the Day room at 9:00 a.m. Looking ahead:Wed., February 28th, 6:30 p.m.: Meeting for folks interested in talking about service trip fundraising, meeting by zoom. I will send out a direct email early next week with a zoom link to Service Trip families.Sun., March 3, 3:30 p.m.: Confirmation Class Info meeting for youth 7th-9th and their adults! Held at the church. Sun.,…
No Music Connections 2/25; Children stay in worship after sharing special music
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. Those who have participated in our song/poetry writing project will share their special music during the worship service. After our music, all the children will stay in worship. This will allow everyone to have the opportunity to watch TruFunction perform!Julie Mazer (she/her)Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ Children’s Education CoordinatorChildren’s Music Director
Continue Reading No Music Connections 2/25; Children stay in worship after sharing special music
Sunday School/Music Connections Rehearsal 2/25
This week…Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one. Sunday School starts at 9 am. ALL PreK-5th grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Karen and Josie will guide the PreK-1 children and any others who are not participating in the special music share during worship in a story about The Most Important Commandment. Those who participated in the song/poetry writing experience in Music Connections will shift to the Frank Room to rehearse their music before a final rehearsal in the sanctuary at 9:30. Be sure…
Continue Reading Sunday School/Music Connections Rehearsal 2/25
ORUCC Youth 2/18
Hello friends,This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Lent, a time when we join Jesus on the journey toward the cross–and ultimately, resurrection!Our Youth will get a preview of this journey on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. as they continue with Echo the Story, focused on “Death to Life”. Susan and Kristin will be leading this Sunday. TRU Function will practice from 10-12. I will be away this weekend, celebrating a birthday with my twin brother in Albuquerque. I will look forward to seeing everyone when I'm back the week after.Looking ahead, please remember:March 3rd, 3:30 p.m.: Info meeting…
Music Connections 2/18; Children Share in Worship 2/25
This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and songwriting. On 1/7, the children organically began the process of writing a song (this was 100% initiated by the children!) We'll revisit that work and continue the process. George G. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Save The Date! February 25, the children are invited to share their composition during worship. Those participating need to attend Music Connections at least two out of the three upcoming Sundays: February 4, 11, and 18. Please…
Continue Reading Music Connections 2/18; Children Share in Worship 2/25