Welcome to ORUCC
Our church is open and affirming of all people regardless of age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, and economic status

Welcome to you! We are so glad you are here. We enjoy a warm, casual, justice-focused, spiritually-renewing worship time, active and audible children, and really good coffee. You don’t have to know exactly what you believe to belong; we love good questions more than easy answers. We seek to center ourselves in the source of Love, which we call God. We humbly seek to walk in the path of Jesus.
We are a sanctuary church, which means we are passionate about immigration justice and willing to take a stand in the community. Caring for and loving the earth feel urgent to us, along with the ongoing work of becoming a pro-racial-justice church. Our children and youth programs are vibrant and the youth look forward to traveling on justice-focused mission trips when they are in high school.
Our pastors, Julia, Ken, and Kate love working together and love serving our church.
Worship at 10:00 am
Come renew your spirit and connect to a kind-hearted community at worship.
Sunday School and Adult Education at 9 a.m.
Due to changing pandemic conditions, we may cancel in-person worship and Sunday School, or shift to Zoom on short notice.
Please consult our weekly worship resources and weekly announcements.
We live-stream in-person worship on YouTube.
Link to YouTube Page
To view live, click on the link during the live-stream (between 10 and 11 a.m. on Sundays). Otherwise, YouTube will show the archive of past services. After 10 a.m. on Sundays, if it is not showing the live-stream, you may need to refresh the page.
Join Us in Person
In-person worship at 10 a.m. For more information on our Sunday worship and 9 a.m. programming for children and adults, please click here.
Keeping Current

Get on our email list
We send out three weekly emails: (1) Worship resources for each Sunday’s worship (sent on Saturday,) (2) Weekly Announcements (usually sent on Thursday,) (3) Prayers (usually sent on Friday.)
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Our members support the ordinary expenses of the church through annual pledges. We do not expect visitors to contribute to church expenses. Undesignated offerings go to our monthly Compassion Offering. You may also contribute to the Compassion Offering online by visiting our contribution page.
Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
1501 Gilbert Rd, Madison, WI 53711
(608) 271-7212