Sunday School Labyrinth Walk – 1/28

This week…

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one. 

All children and youth (PreK-HS) will gather at 9 am in the Bridges Room to center ourselves, review labyrinth expectations, and read Psalm 139. The labyrinth walk will take place in the Johnson Room and will be guided by the words in Psalm 139, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Reflection stations (offered in both the Bridges Room and the Frank Room) will include an opportunity to draw a self-portrait, journal, read, and various meditation offerings.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 1/21

Hello friends,

I am looking forward to being back together this Sunday! Our youth will have Sunday school at 9:00, focusing on Echo the Story with Susan and Kristin. TRU Function is practicing from 10-12. 
Unfortunately, the meeting to discuss a faith-based GSA at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church this Sunday has been postponed, due to low RSVP's. I will keep you all posted about a reschedule, or next steps.
Looking ahead, next Sunday, 1/28, we will have a labyrinth walk and contemplative stations for all children and youth. 
Some more dates to get on your calendars…
Youth Service Trip Updates:
  • Tuesday, January 30, 5-8: Culver's Night in Verona. Come out to have some comfort food and support our Youth Service Trip!
  • Sunday, February 11, 11:00: CWS Faith in Action Brunch. This is an intergenerational fellowship opportunity; all proceeds from this brunch will support the Youth Service Trip. 
All Church Events:
  • Saturday, January 27, 9:00-Noon: Indigenous Justice Retreat. A conversation to explore “what's next” following this fall's focus on Indigenous Justice. All voices welcome!
  • Sunday, January 28, 11:00: All-Church Chili Cook Off
  • Tuesday, February 13, 5:30-7:30 Party Gras! Including a dance party, pizza dinner, and a ritual of burning last year's palm branches to prepare for Ash Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, February 14, 6:30 Ash Wednesday Service to begin the Lenten season, 40 days leading up to Easter. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

1/21 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and songwriting. On 1/7, the children organically began the process of writing a song (this was 100% initiated by the children!) We'll revisit that work and continue the process. Emily Lloyd will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

Sunday School 1/21

This week…

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one. 

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide the children in a story about the Transfiguration of Jesus.

The 2-5 grade classroom will begin a study about God's Love and Care. During the next few weeks, the children will experience lessons designed “to help children become aware of God's incarnational nature and unconditional love.” (From “The Way of The Child” curriculum). This week, the children will consider the idea that we are created in the image of God. Stations will include an opportunity to draw a self-portrait, journal, sand play, and a collaborative art project. Diane and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 

Looking Ahead….next week all children and youth will walk the labyrinth. More details to come. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 1/14/24

Hello friends,

I write this to you as I recuperate from COVID, unfortunately. We have cancelled the All Church retreat this weekend due to illness (key Daycholah center staff also have Covid!) and the potential for hazardous weather on Friday. We are happy to be able to reschedule the retreat for April 12-14. 
However, we had not planned for any Children or Youth programming this Sunday due to the retreat. Instead, all youth are encouraged to attend worship at 10:00 on Sunday. 
Some things coming up:
  • January 21, 12:00-2:00: Interfaith GSA planning/exploring session at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (5701 Raymond Rd). If any youth are interested in being part of planning this, please come along! Lunch will be provided; they would like an RSVP by Jan. 15 so please let me know soon if you want to attend. 
  • January 28: All Church Chili Cook-off! Mark your calendars for this event. 
  • February 11 Faith in Action Brunch: This brunch, held after worship, will be an intergenerational fellowship opportunity centered around conversation about what it means to have “faith in action.” CWS has decided that all proceeds from this brunch will go towards the Youth Service Trip! I will be sending more info directly to Service Trip families about this opportunity. 
Stay safe and warm!
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

ORUCC Youth 1/7

Happy New Year! 

This Sunday our Sunday school programming will start up again, with Echo the Story at 9:00 for youth 6th-12th grade. Susan Watson and Kristin Muckian will be leading this week. TRU Function will practice 10:00-12:00. I will be away this Sunday, attending to the memorial for my niece in Albuquerque, NM. 
Looking ahead, Sunday 1/14 is our All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center. I will be offering some youth-specific programming on Saturday morning at the retreat. I'm excited for our time together! We will not have regularly scheduled Sunday school at ORUCC on the 14th, and TRU Function will not have practice. If you would like to sign up for the retreat, there's still time! Please sign up here.
Another exciting development: I have been part of a group discussing the idea of an interfaith GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance) group in Madison. Anyone interested is invited to come to a meeting at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Sunday, January 21 at 1:00. I will be there–if there are any youth who have interest in sharing their perspectives about what this kind of a group might look like, I'd like to invite you to come along too! Let me know if you'd like to join me there. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

Music Connections 1/7

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and drumming. Kristin Schumacher will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. 

NO Music Connections next week (1/14) for the All Church Retreat. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

Sunday School 1/7

This week…

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one. 

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide the children in our final Advent story about the Prophets, Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, and The Magi.

The 2-5 grade classroom will also complete their Advent study. The Magi have now arrived in Bethlehem for Epiphany!  The children will hear the story of the Magi and have the opportunity to sniff frankincense and myrrh essential oils. Following the stories, the children will be invited to make a beaded star to symbolize the star the Magi followed. Joanna and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 

Looking Ahead….NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 1/14 for the All Church Retreat. Sunday School Resumes on 1/21.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 12/31

Happy (almost) New Year! 

This Sunday, 12/31, we will continue a “winter break” for Sunday school. All youth are encouraged to attend worship at 10:00, which will include a labyrinth walk in lieu of a traditional sermon. Sunday school will resume on 1/7.
I (Pastor Kate) will be away this Sunday 12/31 for some rest time with my family. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2024!
Coming up… don't forget to register for the All Church retreat at Daycholah center January 12-14! Our theme is “Spiritually Alive: Rooted and Grounded in Love.” Pastor Julia and I are so excited to be leading this restful, fun, and inspiring weekend away. Please sign up here. There are also scholarships available if the cost is a barrier to your family. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

ORUCC Youth Sunday 12/17

Hello friends,

In this busy season, I want to take a special moment to say THANK YOU to each of you for your care and support for our youth programming. It is such a gift to be part of this congregation and serve as one of your pastors!
There is a lot coming up for our youth! This Sunday we will have “Echo the Story” Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. I will be teaching this week. Our ORUCC Post Office fundraiser will be in its last week (bring your cards to “send”, and come stop by to see if you have cards to pick up!) TRU Function will meet from 10-12 to prepare for Christmas Eve service.  Some of our youth have prepared musical selections to play either at 9:50 as a prelude to service, or immediately following the service at 11:00. 
If your family picked up a tag for the Christmas Gift Tree, please make sure to do your shopping and bring your wrapped gift, along with the original tag, on Sunday. 
More Next Week:
12/19 Culver's Night Service Trip Fundraiser, 4:00-8:00: Youth 16+ can volunteer; youth under 16 who are preparing for the service trip are welcome to come have dinner and participate in one the conversation tables we are hosting! This is an opportunity for folks of the church who come to support the youth at Culver's to have a conversation and dinner with us. If you are planning to be there at any point, let me know!
12/22 Christmas Eve Dress Rehearsal: Children and youth participating in our Children's Christmas Eve service are asked to take part in this rehearsal at 5:30 p.m. You are encouraged to wear festive attire! 🙂 
12/24 Christmas Eve: We have three services, as this is a Sunday. 
  • 10:00 Carols and Cocoa: Wear your Christmas jammies and enjoy a Christmas Carol-singalong as part of this morning service!
  • 3:00 Children's Service: Our beloved tradition, worship led by children and youth
  • 5:30 Intergenerational Candlelight Service: This year we are collaborating with Madison Mennonite Church for this special service of lessons and carols. 
     There will be no Sunday School on 12/24 or 12/31.

Looking ahead!
All Church Retreat! Spiritually Alive: Rooted and Grounded in Love
January 12-14 at Daycholah Center. Please find registration here
Confirmation: We hope to begin confirmation in March. If your youth (8th grade plus) is interested in confirmation, please indicate your interest (and any questions you might have) here
If you made it all the way to the end, way to go! We have a lot happening right now. I hope that in between the busy moments, you find pockets of peace and joy as well. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

12/17 Christmas Eve Prep, Special Solos, and Dress Rehearsals

Good Morning,
Our big music week is approaching! See below for details. 

1) Children participating in the Christmas Eve service will rehearse with me from 10-11 am.  Please note that children will not attend worship. Anyone not participating in Christmas Eve is still invited to be downstairs. There will be opportunities for the children to make cards for our church elders, draw Christmas scenes for our program, and design Hope letters. Kurt Jaehnig will be our Music Connections volunteer. 

2) This Sunday, some children have signed up to play special music for the service. Those in TruFunction will play as the “Prelude” at 9:50 AM.  All others will play as the “Postlude.” The postlude will last about 20 minutes. See the list below for who is participating and the order I have suggested. Any playing on Sunday is welcome to warm up in the sanctuary between 8:00-8:30 AM.

Prelude at 9:50 AM:
Zane Yeazel: Solfeggietto
LeRoy Erickson: Jingle Bells
Julianna Olajos: Humoresque
Josie Gasser: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Postlude after worship: 
Ben Lancor: God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Fiona Schultz: Trepak
Daria Beckett: Skating
Clara Gillisman: Away in a Manger
Neil Gillisman: Good King Wenceslas
Audrey Lloyd: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Anneliese Erickson: Somewhere In My Memory
Owen Lloyd: Jingle Bells
Linus Hahn: Gavotte in D Major
Devin Conners: Last Chance Blues
Timmy Hagen: You're a Mean One, Mister Grinch
3) Mandatory Christmas Eve Rehearsal on Friday, December 23 @ 5:30-6:30
*Festive, fun attire is welcomed and encouraged!
4) Christmas Eve Final Run Through on Sunday, December 24 @ 2 pm
5) Christmas Eve Service on Sunday, December 24 @ 3 pm

6) No 10 am Music Connections on 12/24 and 12/31. See you back again on 1/7!

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

12/17 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one!

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. We'll rehearse the song “Away in a Manger” for our Christmas Eve service. After the music, Karen and Josie will guide the children in Advent stories about the Prophets, Mary and Joseph, The Shepherds, and The Magi.
The 2-5 grade classroom will also explore the Prophets, Mary and Joseph, The Shepherds, and The Magi. Exploration stations will include writing Christmas cards to church elders, designing HOPE letters for our Christmas Eve service, sewing Christmas stars, nativity dioramas creation, and puzzles. Joanna, Diane, and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 
*No Sunday School 12/24 and 12/31. We'll resume on 1/7 with a special Epiphany Celebration.
Attached to this email is a fabulous resource for an at-home Advent devotional. With quick and easy prompts, families are invited to find a scripture, reflect, color, and pray. 
Upcoming! Save the Date!

January 12-14  All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center: We are excited to continue this wonderful tradition again this year. More details are coming soon about registration for this all-ages event. 
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for supporting the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 12/10

Hello friends! This Sunday, 12/10 we are having our big Bake Sale to support the Youth Service Trip! Trip participants are asked to contribute 8 dozen cookies/bars or equivalent. Please bring your contributions to the church kitchen on Sunday morning at 9:00. Youth are expected to help set up for the event at 9:00, and stay after worship to sell cookies and clean up. 

We will not have regular Sunday school programming on 12/10, but any youth who are not attending service trip are still welcome to come to help out! The more the merrier… this is my first bake sale, but I have heard that it is a fun event. 
Coming Up…
Save the date! January 12-14  All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center: We are excited to continue this wonderful tradition again this year. More details coming soon about registration for this all-ages event. 
Have a great weekend, and hope to see many of you on Sunday!
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

Christmas Eve Rehearsal 12/10 10-11:15 am

Children participating in the Christmas Eve service will rehearse with me from 10-11:15 am.  Your patience and flexibility as we move through this season is appreciated!  Please note that children will not attend worship. Anyone not participating in Christmas Eve is still invited to be downstairs. There will be opportunities for the children to design HOPE letters, write Christmas cards to our church elders, and draw Christmas scenes for our program. Paul Vash will be our Music Connections volunteer. 

After worship, and after our Christmas Eve preparations are complete, any child who wishes to play a special solo on 12/17 should check in with me (unless you have already made other arrangements). 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

12/10 Sunday School, Special Advent Attachment, and Save the Date

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Lily are ready to play with your little one!

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. We'll rehearse the song “Away in a Manger” for our Christmas Eve service. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide the children in Advent stories about the Prophets, Mary and Joseph, and the Shepherds.
The 2-5 grade classroom will also explore the Prophets, Mary and Joseph, and the Shepherds. Exploration stations will include writing Christmas cards to church elders, designing HOPE letters for our Christmas Eve service, sewing Christmas stars, nativity dioramas creation, and puzzles. Paul, Diane, and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 
Attached to this email is a fabulous resource for an at-home Advent devotional. With quick and easy prompts, families are invited to find a scripture, reflect, color, and pray. 
Upcoming! Save the Date!

December 10: Bake Sale to Support the 2024 Service Trip. 

January 12-14  All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center: We are excited to continue this wonderful tradition again this year. More details coming soon about registration for this all-ages event. 
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 12/3, plus Confirmation and other Events!

Hello friends,

This Sunday our youth 6th-High School will have Echo the Story at 9:00 a.m., with Susan Watson leading along with Kristin Muckian and Pastor Kate. TRU Function practices from 10-12. 
There will also be Family Game Night at church this Friday night 12/1 at 6:00! Please bring dinner/dish to pass and a game if you'd like. 
Here are some other dates and events to mark:
 Service Trip fundraisers: December is a busy month! 
  • Each Sunday in December we have our ORUCC Post Office from 9:00-11:00 
  • December 10th is our Cookie and Baked Goods Sale (read the flyer. for more info please)
  • December 19th Culver's Night-Mineral Pt. Rd (sign up coming soon!)
Save the Date: January 12-14  All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center: We are excited to continue this wonderful tradition again this year with the theme, “Spiritually Alive”. More details are coming soon about registration for this all-ages event. 
Confirmation: Please fill out this Google formFor youth in 8th-9th grade, Confirmation will be offered this spring. We are intending to have confirmation held for 8 weeks on Sundays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The dates will be March 10, 17, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, with the Confirmation service on May 19th (Pentecost).
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

Christmas Eve Rehearsal 12/3 10-11 am

Children participating in the Christmas Eve service will rehearse with me from 10-11 am. Please note that children will not attend worship. Kate will serve communion to the children downstairs. I have the sneaky suspicion that I might need 75 min to get through all the material. Your patience and flexibility as we move through this season is appreciated!  Anyone not participating in Christmas Eve is still invited to be downstairs. There will be opportunities for the children to design HOPE letters, write Christmas cards to our church elders, and draw Christmas scenes for our program. Bethany Schultz will be our Music Connections volunteer. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 11/19 (and before!)

Hello friends!

This Sunday 11/19 we have Sunday School continuing with Echo the Story at 9:00; Kristin Muckian and Susan Watson are on board for guiding this conversation. TRU Function will practice from 10:00-12:00. 
TOMORROW! Friday 11/17: 5:30-7:30 “Friendsgiving” Party at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church– Our youth (6th-high school) are invited to get to know other youth at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church (6205 University Ave, Madison, WI 53705) at a potluck “Friendsgiving” party. We are looking to do some combined youth programming with St. Dunstan's and other progressive Christian churches in the future; this is one step toward this exciting collaboration! 
Mark your calendars for other upcoming events:
January 12-14  All Church Retreat at Daycholah Center: We are excited to continue this wonderful tradition again this year. More details coming soon about registration for this all-ages event. 
Confirmation! For youth in 8th-9th grade, Confirmation will be offered this spring. We are intending to have confirmation held for 8 weeks on Sundays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The dates will be March 10, 17, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, with the Confirmation service on May 19th (Pentecost). Families with youth eligible for confirmation, look for an email from Pastor Kate with more details the week after Thanksgiving. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

11/19 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one!

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Karen and Josie will guide them in a story about one of the miracles Jesus performed, “Jesus Feeds 5000 People.”
The 2-5 grade classroom will explore the Letters From the Apostles. First, the children will learn more about the words “Apostle” and “Epistle” and search for bible verses. In our stations, the children will have the opportunity to write a letter to someone in our congregation, work with Sand, color, and complete a worksheet about the Fruit of the Spirit.  Hal and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 
Upcoming! Save the Dates!

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible Distribution Ceremony. Though it is too late to order additional Bibles, your child is welcome to attend service to watch and support the ritual. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join us at the 40th Annual Berbee Derby. It's too late to enter for a team shirt, but you can still run, walk, and pose for selfies with the ORUCC bunch! 
November 26: Advent Wreath Making

Join us on November 26 at 9 a.m. in Friendship Hall for our third annual intergenerational Advent Wreath Making Event. All supplies will be provided for families to make an Advent Wreath to take home. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 11/12

Hello friends,

This Sunday, 11/12, at 9:00 our Newsletter group will meet in the Day room, and the Breakfast Club will meet in the Frank room. Susan will send out more details to the Newsletter youth about what to expect for this week; Breakfast Club will be working on preparing a Holiday Gift tree to benefit the Early Childhood Initiative with RISE. This community organization supports children and families in our neighborhood, and we are happy to continue the tradition of helping provide gifts to our community this Christmas season. 
Mark your calendars:
November 17: 5:30-7:30 “Friendsgiving” Party at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church– Our youth (6th-high school) are invited to get to know other youth at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church (6205 University Ave, Madison, WI 53705) at a potluck “Friendsgiving” party. We are looking to do some combined youth programming with St. Dunstan's and other progressive Christian churches in the future; this is one step toward this exciting collaboration!

November 19First Service Trip Deadline–If your youth (entering 8th-H.S. graduation) would like to come on the Service Trip to Nashville, TN, please let Pastor Kate know by Nov. 19th. First payment of $250 is due by that date. 
Thank you all for your continued support of our Children and Youth at ORUCC!
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

11/12 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and xylophone play. George Gillis will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

11/12 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one!

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide them in a story about one of the miracles Jesus performed, “Jesus Heals Two Daughters.”
The 2-5 grade classroom will explore the Letters From the Apostles. First, the children will experience the Fruits of the Spirit through guided imagery. After the story, the children will have the opportunity to write a letter to someone in our congregation. Diane, Joanna, and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 
Upcoming! Save the Dates!

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible Distribution Ceremony. Though it is too late to order additional Bibles, your child is welcome to attend service to watch and support the ritual. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join us at the 40th Annual Berbee Derby. It's too late to enter for a team shirt, but you can still run, walk, and pose for selfies with the ORUCC bunch! 
November 26: Advent Wreath Making

Join us on November 26 at 9 a.m. in Friendship Hall for our third annual intergenerational Advent Wreath Making Event. All supplies will be provided for families to make an Advent Wreath to take home. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 11/5/23

Hello friends, happy November! Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour this weekend!

This Sunday, 11/5, at 9:00 a.m. we have a special opportunity for our children and youth to participate in a labyrinth walk and contemplative practice/prayer stations. This will be a multi-age experience held in several rooms of the education wing. TRU Function will practice from 10:00-12:00. 
Looking ahead, we also have some more exciting things on the horizon: 
November 3, 6:00-8:00: Family Game Night– bring your dinner and a game for this relaxed hangout time in Friendship Hall with others from ORUCC! 
**November 17**: 5:30-7:30 “Friendsgiving” Party at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church– Our youth (6th-high school) are invited to get to know other youth at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church (6205 University Ave, Madison, WI 53705) at a potluck “Friendsgiving” party. We are looking to do some combined youth programming with St. Dunstan's and other progressive Christian churches in the future; this is one step toward this exciting collaboration!

November 19: First Service Trip Deadline–If your youth (entering 8th-H.S. graduation) would like to come on the Service Trip to Nashville, TN, please let Pastor Kate know by Nov. 19th. First payment of $250 is due by that date. 
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

No Music Connections 11/5

There will not be Music Connections this week, 11/5. Instead, your child is welcome to stay in the sanctuary with you. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

11/5 Children and Youth Labyrinth Walk

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one!

This week, instead of our regular 9 a.m. Sunday school programming, all children and youth are invited to take part in a Labyrinth walk and contemplative spiritual practice stations. Everyone PreK-High School will first gather together in the Bridges Room. After a brief opening conversation, small groups of children and youth will have the opportunity to travel through our small labyrinth in the Johnson Room. Those waiting to walk the labyrinth will be invited to freely explore artistic, tactile, and mindfulness stations. 

Upcoming! Save the Dates!
November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join us at the 40th Annual Berbee Derby. It's too late to enter for a team shirt, but you can still run, walk, and pose for selfies with the ORUCC bunch! 

Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 10/29

Hello friends,
First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in last week's Service Trip Celebration! I have had a lot of people share how much they loved hearing from the youth, enjoyed TRU Function's songs, and appreciated learning more about the service trip. 
This week we have Sunday School at 9:00 for youth 6th-high school. Susan Watson and Kristin Muckian will be our guides for Echo the Story. TRU Function practices 10:00-12:00. 
Next week (Nov. 5), we have a special Sunday coming up–instead of our regular Sunday school programming, all children and youth will be invited to take part in a Labyrinth walk and contemplative spiritual practice stations. This will be an awesome way to explore some new ways to engage with our spirituality using many senses and expressions (artistic, tactile, auditory, etc.). 
Other upcoming events:

TOMORROW! October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). 

Sign up by 10/29: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens (run) and Pastor Kate and Gideon (walk) in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual. 
**Note the team name: there is no “the” at the beginning!** 

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful week.
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

10/29 Music Connections- Volunteer Needed

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and Hand Chime play. 

I am still in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Can you help?? Please reply back to this email or sign-up at

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

10/29 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one!

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide them in the Parable of The Treasure.
The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their study of New Testament History. This week the children will experience Pentecost through a shared reading with accompanying movements. After the story, the children will work together to find bible verses and then freely work through stations that include decorating a candle, watercolors, and sand play. Diane and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 
Upcoming! Save the Dates!

FRIDAY! October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to Kate ([email protected]) if you are planning to attend so that she can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 10/22–Service Trip Sunday!

Hello friends,

This Sunday at our 10:00 worship we are having a special service celebrating the 2023 Youth Service Trip to Duluth, MN. Many of the youth have a “role” to play in the service: serving as Welcomers/Ushers, reading prayers and scripture, sharing their stories, or playing in TRU Function. It should be a great time! If your kiddo was on the trip, please have them wear their green SLC shirt.
We will not have regular Sunday school at 9:00–but participants in the service are invited to come at 9:00 to prepare. If your youth did not attend the trip, but would like to be involved in the service, we will find them a job to do! 

Following the service, around 11:15, we will have an informational meeting in Friendship Hall for any youth who is interested in Service Trip 2024 and their adults. 
Other upcoming events:
October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to me, Pastor Kate ([email protected]), if you are planning to attend so that I can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens and Pastor Kate and Gideon in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual. 
**Note the team name: there is no “the” at the beginning!**

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

10/22 No Music Connections

There will not be Music Connections this week week, 10/22. Instead, your child is welcome to stay in the sanctuary with you to watch TruFunction perform and to hear about the 2022 Youth Service Trip to Duluth. 

Thank you to those of you who signed up to be a Music Connections Volunteer! There are still opportunities to assist throughout the programming year. Sign up at:

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

10/22 Sunday School And Save the Dates Below

NO Nursery Care this week. Families are welcome to visit the nursery. Please sanitize and tidy any used materials. 

Sunday School starts at 9am. PreK-1 children are invited to sing with Barbara and Hal in the William Johnson room at 9:00-9:15. After the music, they will hear the Parable of the Farmer and the Growing Seed.
The 2-5 grade classroom will begin their study of New Testament History. This week's lesson includes the story of Pentecost using engaging props from the Godly Play play curriculum. After the story, the children will have the opportunity to freely work through stations that include watercolor, journaling, and sand play. Joanna and Diane will guide the children in their learning. 
Upcoming! Save the Dates!

October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to Kate ([email protected]) if you are planning to attend so that she can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 10/15

Hello friends,

This Sunday we continue with our fourth week of “Echo the Story” Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. for 6th grade-High school youth. Susan Watson and I (Pastor Kate) will be the guides for this group. TRU Function practices 10:00-12:00, and youth who are not in the band are encouraged to attend service at 10:00.
Reminder!! Sunday, October 22nd is our Youth Service Trip Celebration Sunday! Youth who attended the service trip and are participating in the service will gather to prepare for service at 9:00. If your youth did not attend the service trip, but would still like to be involved in the service (serving as an usher, etc.), they are welcome! Please let me know. We will not have regularly scheduled Sunday school. 
Following the service we will have an informational meeting for Service Trip 2024. If your youth (entering 8th-finishing 12th grades) would like to come on next year's trip, please come to this meeting! 
Other upcoming events:
October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to me, Pastor Kate ([email protected]), if you are planning to attend so that I can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens and Pastor Kate and Gideon in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual. 
**Note the team name: there is no “the” at the beginning!**

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

10/15 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and drumming. Ben Lancor will be our Music Connections Volunteer. 

*There will not be Music Connections next week, 10/22. Instead, your child is welcome to stay in the sanctuary with you to watch TruFunction perform and to hear about the 2022 Youth Service Trip to Duluth. 

Thank you to those of you who signed up to be a Music Connections Volunteer! There are still opportunities to assist throughout the programming year. Sign up at:

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

10/15 Sunday School and Save the Dates

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one! 

Sunday School starts at 9am. Children in PreK-1 are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room at 9:00-9:15. After the music, their classroom “guides” (Julie and Hal) will lead the children in a story about how the 12 Disciples came to follow Jesus.
The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their exploration of the Gospels. This week's lesson includes the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, and the Lord's Prayer. After finding passages in the bible, the children will have the opportunity to freely work through stations that include collage, modeling clay, and a crossword puzzle. Joanna and Paul will guide the children in their learning. 

Upcoming! Save the Dates!

October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to Kate ([email protected]) if you are planning to attend so that she can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

ORUCC Youth 10/8

Hello friends,

This Sunday 10/8 there is much going on, as always!
  • Newsletter group will meet with Susan Watson, assisted by Rex Eggerling-Boeck in the Dorothy Day room, 9:00-11:00.
  • “Breakfast Club” youth group (ages 6th grade-high school) will meet in the Music Room (please note the room change), 9:00-9:50, with Pastor Kate and Kristin Muckian.
  • TRU Function will practice 10:00-12:00 with Rob Martens and Megan Piper.
Youth who are not in TRU Function or Newsletter are encouraged to attend worship at 10:00, where we will hear from Kerri Parker, the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches.
And, some other fun things coming up:

  • October 22: Youth Service Celebration Sunday and 2024 Meeting

Youth who attended the service trip this past year are invited to help lead worship as we celebrate the trip we took to Duluth, MN, in July. After worship, please stay for a meeting about Service Trip 2024 if your youth (entering 8th grade-finishing 12th grade) might be interested to attend. If you are not able to attend this meeting on the 22nd, but your youth is still interested in coming on the trip in 2024, please let me know. 

  • October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to me ([email protected]) if you are planning to attend so that I can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

  • November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 
  • November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby
Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual.

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times. 

10/8 Music Connections – Volunteer Needed

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and Ukulele play. We have about 12 ukuleles on hand. If your child has their own, they are welcome to bring it to church on Sunday. 

I am still in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer. Can you help?? Please reply back to this email or sign-up at

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

10/8 Sunday School and Save the Dates

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Jade and Marie are ready to play with your little one! 

Sunday School starts at 9am. Children in PreK-1 are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room at 9:00-9:15. After the music, their classroom “guides” (Josie and Karen) will lead the children in a story about how Jesus modeled God's Love to a person with disabilities.
The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their exploration of the Gospels. This week's lesson includes the story of Zaccchaus. After the story, the children will have the opportunity to freely work through stations that include images of Zacchaeus, an opportunity to draw their own image of Jesus and Zacchaeus, sand exploration, a word puzzle, and a writing prompt. Diane, Joanna, and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning. 

Upcoming! Save the Dates!

October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: Treinen Farms Bonfire and Corn Maze

An all-ages fellowship event! We have a bonfire ring reserved and will provide supplies for s’mores. Families are responsible for their own tickets for admission ($15.50 per person over 2 years of age, can be purchased online ahead of time or at the gate). Please RSVP to Kate ( if you are planning to attend so that she can ballpark our s'mores supplies 🙂

November 19:  Bible Distribution

During worship, ORUCC will strengthen the baptismal commitment to the children in our church community with a Bible distribution ceremony. This ritual is for children in grades 2-12 who have NOT received a Bible from ORUCC previously. Please complete THIS FORM if you wish for your child to be a part of this ritual.  It is okay to not partake this year if you are unsure. We will have other Bible distribution ceremonies in future years. Please see Pastor Kate or Julie Mazer if you have any questions. 

November 23: Thanksgiving Day Berbee Derby

Calling all walkers, run/walkers, and runners! Join Rob and Lily Martens in the 5K or Julie Mazer in the 10K in the 20th Anniversary Berbee Derby! Sign-up with Team “The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Cranberry”  by 10/29 to receive your team shirt. ; $40 per individual.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Thank you for your support of the youth programming opportunities at ORUCC.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

6/4 Sunday School and End of Programming Year Celebration

Good morning! 

This Sunday is our last Sunday School Class of the programming year! We'll meet outdoors – likely on the lawn near the education wing doors. Class will begin with a bit of music with me, followed by a story about nature, an outdoor craft, chalk, and a bubble prayer. It should be a beautiful way to round out our time together. Be sure to stay for service to celebrate and thank all of our Sunday School guides and youth leaders. After worship, we'll enjoy some Ice Cream Sundaes together. 

Hope to see you Sunday!

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

5/28 No Children’s Programming; Please Join us 6/4!

May 28: No Nursery Care, Sunday School, or Children's Programming
June 4: Last Day Celebration Sundae Sunday! Weather permitting, 9am Sunday School will meet outdoors. During worship, we'll celebrate the many successes of the 2022-23 youth programming year and say Thank You to all of our Sunday School Guides and other youth leaders. Children will stay in worship that day. Following worship, we'll celebrate with Ice Cream Sundaes! 
Summer Programming: Though we will not have scheduled Sunday School or Music Connections, there will be opportunities for the children to work in the garden during worship for our yearly, “Kids in the Garden” program. Rachael Lancor will oversee this fantastic program. Might you be available to assist? Click this spreadsheet  to sign-up!

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

May 21 Sunday School and Music – And other upcoming things to know

This week: 

Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Marcia Beckett and Amalia Sherrill are ready to play with your little one. Please note: 5/21 is the LAST Sunday for Nursery Care until September. 
9am Sunday School: This Sunday, we'll gather in the Bridges Room for some singing and then move to the Johnson Room next door to rehearse a drumming piece that we will play during worship. Anyone in K-8 is invited to join us! This is a very easy piece that everyone should be able to pick up quickly. Jadyn and Josie Gilbert will assist the children and Bethany Schultz will be with us to play the melody on her clarinet! 
This piece, “Many and Great,” will be played early in the service. When the children are released, they will move to the garden with Rachael Lancor to start planting! Hint: send your child in their “grubbies” this week! After worship, the children are invited to stay in the garden to work or find other outdoor tasks. (This Sunday is Work and Worship). 
May 28: No Nursery Care, Sunday School, or Children's Programming
June 4: Last Day Celebration Sundae Sunday! Weather permitting, 9am Sunday School will meet outdoors. During worship, we'll celebrate the many successes of the 2022-23 youth programming year and say Thank You to all of our Sunday School Guides and other youth leaders. Children will stay in worship that day. Following worship, we'll celebrate with Ice Cream Sundaes! 
Summer Programming: Though we will not have scheduled Sunday School or Music Connections, there will be opportunities for the children to work in the garden during worship for our yearly, “Kids in the Garden” program. Rachael Lancor will oversee this fantastic program. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

5/14 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Kristin Muckian and Joey Miller. 

K-5 Sunday School starts at 9am. This week and next, we'll explore the Books of the Prophets. As part of the opening conversation, the children will hear a story from the Godly Play series about Jonah and The Whale. We have some wonderful props that will bring the story to life! Stations will be centered around whales and water that day. Paul Vash and Karen Jaehnig will guide the children in their learning. 

Our programming year wraps up on June 4! Be sure to attend this day for a special celebration during Sunday School and the Worship Hour. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

5/4 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room to learn a drumming piece that will be showcased during service on May 21. This piece is pretty easy, so no need to note your commitment. We have plenty of time over the next few weeks to learn the rhythms and rehearse. Jared Erickson will be our Music Connections Volunteer. 

We will close out Music Connections for the programming year on Sunday, May 21. All are welcome to enjoy service on June 4 to celebrate the school year and our 2023 graduates! 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

5/7 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Lily and Amalia are ready to play with your little one!

K-5 Sunday School starts at 9am. This week, we will study the Books of Poetry. After practicing our skills in finding a bible verse, the children will have the opportunity to solve a cryptogram, write their own poem/psalm, and find a proverb in the sand. Jadyn Gilbert and Julie Mazer will guide the children in their learning. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

4/30 Sunday School & Music Connections

The week we've been preparing for has arrived! This Sunday, we will gather at 9am in the Bridges Room. Once everyone has arrived, we will move to the sanctuary to rehearse our ukulele songs with TruFunction. We'll rehearse “When the Saints Go Marching In,” and “I Can See Clearly Now,” a few times and then likely move back to the Bridges Room for some craft/playtime before worship. 

The service will begin with “When the Saints Go Marching In.” Your child will be on the platform at the start of worship. We're still sorting out the kinks of when “I Can See Clearly Now” will happen. We'll be able to practice that transition on Sunday morning. Your child will stay for the whole service and should sit with you in the congregation. 
If your child has their own ukulele, please remember to bring it with you on Sunday. 
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Hope to see you Sunday! 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

4/23 Music Connections

This Sunday, the children will move directly from Sunday School to Music Connections. K-5 families, I will assist with the transition since we are moving from the family labyrinth walk to music. Middle School Youth are invited to wait for me in Friendship Hall. Any middle schoolers participating in the “how to get to our blog” presentation are welcome to join us after that segment in the service. 

Once together, we will rehearse our ukulele songs for the TruFunction performance downstairs in the Bonhoeffer Room. Once we are warmed up, we will move to the upstairs Music Room to rehearse with TruFunction. After service, you will either find us there, the Bridges Room, or back downstairs.  Jen Walker will be our Music Connections Volunteer. 
Next week, the children and youth will stay in service for our performance with TruFunction. Music Connections will not be offered that day. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

4/23 – Family Labyrinth Walk During Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Antonia and Joey are ready to play with your little one!

This Sunday, the children will participate in their final guided labyrinth walk of the programming year. Parents and caregivers, you are invited as well! Please consider joining us in the Bridges Room at 9am for a gathering conversation. Each family will have the opportunity to walk a small labyrinth in the adjacent Johnson Room. Sand, coloring, finger labyrinths, and other mindful activities will be available in the Bridges Room while you wait for your turn. To maximize our time and to not feel rushed, the children will not attend service this Sunday. We'll move directly to Music Connections once all families have enjoyed the labyrinth. 

Following service, please plan to enjoy the art gallery in Friendship Hall. Following our last labyrinth walk, the children created Earth Day images prompted by the question, “what can we do to care for creation?”  This Sunday, the Care of Creation Team will display those images along with postcards to send to our legislators with specific requests of what they can do to care for the earth. 
Next week, there will not be Sunday School. But, children should plan to attend the 9am TruFunction rehearsal.   

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

4/16 Music Connections

This week the children will begin the 10 o'clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room to review our ukulele songs. Once we are warmed up, we will move to the upstairs Music Room to rehearse with TruFunction. After service, you will either find us there or back downstairs.  Becky Erickson will be our Music Connections Volunteer. 

Save The Date! April 30, the children are invited to play two songs with TruFunction! We'll play one easy song and a harder song for those ready for a challenge. Those participating need to attend Music Connections at least twice in March and on April 16 and 23. Please note your family's availability here:

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

4/16 Sunday School

Nursery Care opens at 8:30am. Antonia and Amalia are ready to play with your little one!

K-5 Sunday School starts at 9am. This week, we will study the Books of Poetry. After practicing our skills in finding a bible verse, the children will have the opportunity to solve a cryptogram, write their own poem/psalm, build a tower to remind them of Proverbs 18:10, and find a proverb in the sand.  Paul Vash and Jadyn Gilbert will guide the children in their learning. 
Next Week, 4/23, the children invite YOU to join them on a labyrinth walk. More details to come.

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

Easter Sunday – No Sunday School or Music Connections

This week, we will celebrate Easter Sunday with the congregation at 10am! There will not be 9am Sunday School or 10am Music Connections. There will, however, be some make-and-take crafts available in Friendship Hall when the children are released during the service. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will start promptly after worship. Children are welcome to bring their own Easter Egg Basket  – or decorate a bag during our craft time. 

Hope to see you on Sunday! 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director

Music Connections 4/2 – Handbell Demo!

This week, I will not be at church. BUT, I have a very special opportunity planned during Music Connections with your child. Deanna and Al Blanchard will lead the children through a Hand Bell Demonstration in the Johnson room following the children's moment! Rather than using the hand chimes that we regularly use in Music Connections, the children will have the opportunity to touch, feel, and play the REAL Hand Bells! It's sure to be a treat. 

Parents, did you know that late middle schoolers and high schoolers are eligible to join the handbell choir (pending a note and rhythm reading music assessment)? Perhaps this would be a great opportunity for your teen to try out Hand Bells and see if they would like to make this a regular part of their lives. (Hand Bells rehearse on Monday evenings). 
Music Connections will not be offered on Easter Sunday. We will resume on 4/16. 

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director