Annual Meeting in person and ZOOM February 5 at 11!


You are invited to our

Annual Meeting

11:00 am

Sunday February 5th.

in-person & virtual

We will gather in-person right after worship in the Worship Hall on Sunday February 5th and hold our Annual Meeting.

We want our Annual Meeting to be as accessible as possible, so we will keep live-streaming and we will also open up a ZOOM room for anyone who wants to tune in from home to vote and to make any comments or questions. A member of our Leadership Team will monitor the ZOOM.

We will vote on the budget for 2023 and as well as a new slate of volunteers and officers.



Paper copies of the report are available at the church.

Orchard Ridge UCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Annual Meeting

Time: Feb 5, 2023 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 1706 1766

Passcode: 935681

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Meeting ID: 840 1706 1766

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Lots of love and gratitude to our volunteers and leaders of 2022

and incoming leaders

of 2023!