ORUCC – Saying Goodbye to our Office Manager

Staff Transition Update:



Our office manager Julie Wombacher has determined that her time serving as Office Manager at ORUCC has come to a conclusion and that her last day with us will be May 30th. We are sad to see Julie go, and yet we support her wisdom which has given her the assurance that her time with us is complete.

Julie began her employment with ORUCC saying she would work with us for 5 years as Julie felt called to be part of the “transition team,” in her own words. During those years she has seen us through a pandemic, through cultural shifts, and through 5 pastoral transitions! We recognize the wonderful work she has put in during this time. We have also learned that transitions are normal and nothing to fear, and so while we will truly miss her, we celebrate Julie as she goes. Julie has worked hard to serve our organization as a trusted, valued and tremendous asset to ORUCC. 


How you can support this process:


We want to have a good goodbye with Julie as we honor all her good work and look to the future with hope and goodwill. Julie welcomes cards as she says goodbye to us during this next month.


Our HR team, Leadership Team and pastors are working hard behind the scenes to make this a positive transition. You can help by praying for them and spreading assurance, grace and non-anxiousness.


When we begin our interviewing process, we will not hire from within the church, but perhaps you know someone who would be an excellent fit for our new office manager. You can help us spread the word when the time comes.


Our HR team who reports to the Leadership Team will take responsibility for hiring someone new. We will keep the congregation informed and the transition transparent. You can pray for our HR team and give them your trust and support during this process.


When summer comes we will appreciate your grace as we shift to a slower pace without Julie with us. We would love to gather a few volunteers to help us print and fold the bulletin, answer phones and send weekly announcement emails. To volunteer, you can contact Deanna Blanchard with your availability.


Because book-keeping is a significant part of the office manager role as well as administration and building use management, we plan to put together a Financial Team, to support our overall financial health as an organization and to support our new office manager as well as our treasurer. We are seeking trusted people with specific skills. You can submit your name or the name of someone else for this Financial Team to Deanna Blanchard.

If you have any questions you may reach out to any member of the Human Resources team.

With grace and hope,

The HR Team:

David Anderman

Deanna Blanchard

Julia Burkey

Rick Daluge

Hal Evense

Dale Rebhorn

Susan Jane Watson