ORUCC –Wayfinding begins again next Wednesday, October 16th!

Wayfinding begins again next Wednesday, October 16th!


Dear Wayfinders and those who are curious,


Next Wednesday we delve into another rich and meaningful year of our Wayfinding: The Spirituality of Aging, Towards a Theology of the Elder Years. Next Wednesday, and every 3rd Wednesday of the month, we will gather at 9:30am, beginning with refreshments and concluding at 11:15am. Those who are unable to make Wednesday morning but would still like to participate are able to meet virtually at 4-5pm the next day over ZOOM. We will take a break in January, and then gather again February-May. 


If you are curious about the topic of spirituality and aging and you’d like to join for the first time, you are welcome. If you have participated in Wayfinding before, this year will be new topics and content, and you are welcome. If you are able to come to some but not all, you are welcome, though of course you will get most with consistent participation. You may bounce between in-person gathering and ZOOM gathering as your health and mobility dictate.


Here (link) is the first reading of our session which we will base the teaching and small group discussion on- it is an experiment to send this reading early for you. It is not required reading, but may help deepen your experience of Wayfinding- you’ll have to tell me!


Leading Wayfinding is one of the most life-giving parts of my ministry, I look forward to sharing this time with you. I love the feeling of wholeness as we gather in circle, with God at our center, as we sing, as we meditate, as we read scripture, as we pray and then receive teaching on different topics from literature and spirituality around aging. This year we will work with Parker Palmer’s, On The Brink of Everything, Grace, Gravity and Getting Old, and in the spring The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul. The heart of our gathering is breaking out into facilitated small groups to discuss specific questions that help us deepen in supportive community and illuminate aspects of our souls and our story.


Below is the information for the ZOOM gatherings, which will stay the same each Thursday- so save this email!




Pastor Julia Burkey



Topic: Wayfinding

Time: Oct 17, 2024 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

       Every month on the Third Thu, 8 occurrence(s)

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZAlc-ygpj0qHtVACKugt3F9VQcHKlSFIkBw/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGspj8vEtyTsB2GRpwIGo-gZ_zxiCFfgrdrvTzOFidHMSWvANNBGplzI_75&meetingMasterEventId=rVAxgA_TTEu4lCVGZ6Hvgg


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