Our programs for children through 5th grade
Nursery care
Every Sunday nursery care is provided for babies, toddlers and children to age 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We have two nursery care providers who provide a loving and safe environment for children. Our nursery care providers have been screened and educated about our Safe Sanctuary policies.
9:00-9:50 am Sunday School
Information about current topics in Sunday School is shared with parents via email and can also be found in the children and youth news page
Pre-kindergarten through first grade
Pre-Kindergarten through Second grade students will begin with music time with Julie Mazer at 9:00 AM. Then they will hear a Bible story using a sensory-motor style of storytelling. The students will experience God as well as learning about God. Additional materials are provided to enhance their response to the stories. Most of the story figures and materials have been crafted by church members. The curriculum uses Following Jesus written by Sonja M. Stewart.
Third through fifth grades
Third through Fifth grade students move through a variety of active stations to help them develop their own relationship with God. The students listen to signature stories of the Bible using Godly Play written by Jerome W. Berryman. Opportunities are provided for them to experience and practice spiritual disciplines and to nurture their relationship with God for a lifetime, using The Way of the Child written by Wynn McGregor.
Students receive their own Bibles and learn how to use them with the hope that the Bible will become their lifelong companion. The older children assist the younger ones in getting to know the Bible. They have also participated in hands-on projects, such as art murals, backpack project, and creating board games to share with elders.
Middle School (sixth through eighth grades)
During the 9 am hour, we offer programming for middle school youth in a three-year rotation including two years of religious education and one year of comprehensive sexuality education called Our Whole Lives. More information.
10 a.m. During Worship
Children are welcome in worship. Children through age 4 may be in the nursery during worship. There is usually a Time for Children in worship after the first hymn. Most weeks, children in grades 2 through 5 are invited to Music Connections for the remainder of the worship hour. Older children may also come to Music Connections as helpers. Parents may take children into the Crossroads or Friendship Hall, where they will still be able to hear the worship service. When staffing permits, we offer craft playtime during worship for younger children. On Communion Sundays (generally the first Sunday of a month), children return to worship to take Communion. We practice open Communion and believe that even young children should partake of Communion, but parents are invited to instruct their own children regarding Communion.