ORUCC-Tree Trimming-Garden Work Day -June 11

Garden & Grounds Work
Saturday, June 11
10:00 am 
After pruning there is new growth……
It is time to prune the huge lilacs in the churchyard. We need people to bring chainsaws, pruners and upper body strength to work on the landscape this Saturday at 10:00 AM! The lilacs can be cut down to the ground (easier but heavy) OR we can do renewal pruning which involves taking out the largest 1/3 of the trunks (more thought and time involved). Renewal pruning promotes new growth and blossoms that we can reach. The lilacs are done blooming for this year and the city is scheduled to pick up brush next week so this is the right time to do this. 
We need to try to kill off the weeds in paths using a home made, non toxic substitute for Round Up. If your knees hurt or your arms aren’t really strong this may be the job for you! 
General weeding and smaller pruning jobs are also on the agenda. We even have a baby Pagoda Dogwood tree to try to save in the meditation garden. Please bring gloves, tools marked with your name and a water bottle. Treats will be provided. Plan to go home before noon. 
If you have questions, please email me at [email protected].