ORUCC — Sunday, November 12-Active Threat Preparedness


Active Threat Preparedness Conversation & Training

Sunday Nov. 12th 11am-1pm

with Charles Tubbs,

Director of Dane County Emergency Management


This Sunday, November 12th, 11am-1pm (after worship), Director of Dane County Emergency Management Charles Tubbs will join us to help us think through how to be as safe as possible in our building. This opportunity was prompted both by some members of our congregation and as part of a broader outreach effort from Dane County Emergency Management (DCEM). The Leadership Team recently met with Nathan Bubenzer, an ORUCC member and Emergency Safety Manager for Meriter, who helped answer some of our questions and addressed our concerns regarding hosting this training.

We do not mean for this to be a fear mongering event, but to address the realities of the world and of violence.

There will be finger food provided; Childcare is available

(but you may want to pack a lunch for your child).