ORUCC Youth 2/11 and Service Trip Fundraising

Hello friends!

This Sunday, 2/11, we will not have regular Sunday School for youth at 9:00 a.m. CWS is putting on a “Faith in Action Brunch” after worship, and the donation proceeds from this brunch will go toward supporting our Youth Service Trip! (This is in lieu of the originally planned bake sale for this date). 
Anyone who is available at 9:00 a.m. to help CWS set up is welcome. After worship at 11:00, youth are strongly encouraged to attend the event and participate in the table conversations. CWS has asked that youth attending the service trip stay after the brunch to help clean up
TRU Function will still practice from 10:00-12:00. Any TRU Function youth who are also attending the Service trip are asked to stop into the kitchen after practice to pitch in with the cleanup effort. 
The following week, we have some fun and meaningful all-church events coming up as we head into the Lenten season:
  • Tuesday 2/13 Party Gras
  • Wednesday 2/14 Ash Wednesday Service 6:30-7 p.m. and Labyrinth Walk (open 5:00-8:00 p.m.)
See below the announcement for Party Gras:

Come One, Come All!

Party Gras! 

Tuesday, Feb 13

5:30-7:30 pm in Friendship Hall

Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!

Celebrate the beginning of Lent and the Easter Season with pizza (donations welcome!), games, music, and dancing, followed by a brief ceremony to burn the palms from last year's Ash Wednesday service. Wear your Mardi Gras beads and costumes for this festive, family-friendly event! We also will need help with set-up and clean-up for Party Gras (Sign Up Genius Link).

See you all soon!
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times.