Nominations for ORUCC’s 2025 Ministries Beginning Soon
The Leadership Team was thrilled with the response we got asking for people to nominate themselves for certain positions and to participate in a new Communications/IT Mission Team. It feels great knowing that people are interested in serving in these ways.
Now there is more opportunity for you to consider the openings we will have on all our Ministries and nominate yourself if you are interested. The Nominations team will also be contacting people to find out their interest in serving on a team over the next several weeks. People who are nominated will begin serving their 2-year term (with option to renew) in February after our Annual Meeting. A short description is given of duties of ministries but is not all-inclusive.
Co-treasurer-will work with our part-time accountant remotely and with our office manager, George, to pay bills, track budget, track contributions and produce financial reports.
We have one person in the role of co-treasurer and are looking for a second person.
Leadership Team-attend monthly meetings on Zoom and occasionally in person to oversee church activities and budget
Openings for two At-Large members. One would be the liaison to Youth Faith Formation Ministry, the other would be liaison to Christian Witness and Service Ministry. At-Large members may choose to attend meetings as the liaison or just read the minutes and be available for questions or information from the chair of the ministry.
Financial Secretary
Opening for 1 or more-recount money, copy checks for office manager, record and deposit weekly offering
Christian Witness and Service (CWS)-chooses recipients of monthly Compassion Offerings, oversees funds for multiple community services (like Heart Room)
Opening for Chair of this group-LuAnn Greiner stepping down from chair will brief you on all the resources she has organized
Opening for one member
Youth Faith Formation (YFF)-works with Kate Mackey and Julie Mazer on youth education, service trip and other activities
Opening for 1 member
Congregational Life (Congo Life)-plans and works on events such as the Welcome Back Picnic and Party Gras, and lunches after events like Worship and Work
Openings for two at least, could use four more people
Human Resources Mission Team-works with staff. Hiring, evaluations, concerns, will be working on an employee handbook
Open for 1-2 members
If you want to talk more about an open position please contact Deanna Blanchard or Dale Rebhorn.