ORUCC – Sign up now for a Lenten Home Discussion Group!

You’re Invited!

Lenten Home Discussion Groups

Openings for

Fourteen More!

During the season of Lent, which begins today, Ash Wednesday, March 5th, we will be offering five* Home Groups, each with 8-12 people who will be discussing three passages from Luke’s Gospel in three 1.5 hr. sessions in a pattern of every other week.

Plan to pick up a Lenten Devotional Booklet and a pack of “Devocards” at the church this evening, March 5, 4:30 pm (Ash Wednesday), or March 9th, for a suggested donation of $5. Or plan to stop by the church on weekday mornings during the first two weeks of March to pick up these items.

Be sure to bring your Lenten Devotional Booklet to all three sessions of the Home Group, since the group will be referring to it for poetry, readings & artwork.

As soon as the groups fill up, your Home Group Host/Facilitator will be in touch with you with more details.

*FYI – Doug & Mary Loving will be hosting a 6th group of ORUCC folks who are residents at Oakwood Village West.

Click here for the sign-up page.

Scroll down the sign-up page to sign up

for a Home Group.