Worship Resources for Sunday, April 7, 2024

Orchard Ridge

United Church of Christ

Sunday Worship Resources

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Second Sunday of Easter

9:00 am – Sunday School for Children

9:00 am – For Adults – Usama Nicola in Alfred Swan Rm (limited space, arrive early)

10:00 am Worship

Sermon: Rev. Kate Mackey

Lay Liturgist: Rayelle Berola

Music: Bruce Gladstone & Vicki Nonn

3:30 pm Confirmation-Lower Level

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For Children & Youth – April 7th


8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads. 

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Jill and Josie will guide the children in the Easter story, “Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.”

The 2-5 grade classroom will revisit the symbols and lessons from their Lenten lessons and add the symbol of light. This week, the children will learn about how Jesus’ light continues to shine in each of us after his resurrection. Stations will include several art opportunities. We’ll close in a quiet meditation. Joanna and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning in the Bridges Room. 

Music Connections resumes during worship this week for children 2nd-6th grade.

Save some time before or after church to experience a “Story Walk” (Weather Permitting). On the south side of the parking lot, you’ll find the book, “Butterfly Child,” by Marc Majewski. Walk along and read this lovely book that, “delivers a gorgeously painted, tender story about a young child who loves dressing up as a butterfly. A joyful celebration of creativity, self-expression, and family. A young child loves the spots and patterns found on butterflies, and fashions bold orange wings to become a butterfly child. But when other kids shun the child for the clothes they don’t understand, it takes a father’s encouragement for the kid to stay true to what they love and find joy in the butterfly wings once more.” This book will complement the butterfly coloring experience that Pastor Kate set up in Friendship Hall for Eastertide. 


9:00 a.m. Susan and Kristin will be with our youth for Sunday school, looking at “echoes” of the creation story in the Psalms. TRU Function practices from 10:00-12:00. 

Confirmation students will return at 3:30 for Confirmation class! Please bring your journal and any completed “invitations” you might have done over the past few weeks.

Adult Faith Formation

9:00 a.m.

A Palestinian friend of ORUCC members Tom Beilman and Diane Dulin, Usama Nicola, will offer a presentation on Palestinian justice. Usama is a tour guide extraordinaire and co-runs an organization — Wi’am: The Palestine Transformataion Center — that helps Palestinian children and youths cope with the trauma of occupation. He is a deeply committed Christian living in Bethlehem just a couple of blocks from the Church of the Nativity. Tom and Diane have met Usama several times, benefiting greatly from his insights as a tour guide and even staying at his home. 

Attendees at this presentation will hear firsthand from Usama about the many obstacles he and his family face in the West Bank as they try to live their daily lives. 

Usama will be joining us from Palestine over Zoom in the Alfred Swan Room, and we are setting a cap of 30 people. Therefore, the first 28 people to arrive will have a seat. You may want to arrive early!


One Great Hour of Sharing

Share the Light!

For 75 years One Great Hour of Sharing has provided an ecumenical response to disaster relief, refugee resettlement and community development around the world. The United Church of Christ joins multiple other denominations [including Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (USA), American Baptist, African American Episcopal, Church of the Brethren, and more] to express God’s love through water programs, agricultural assistance, infrastructure improvement and emergency shelter.  

Our One Great Hour of Sharing Compassion Offering for April provides rebuilding and grass roots assistance in today’s challenging world.  Please give as you are able to address the effects of war, climate-imposed migration, natural disasters, chronic poverty and oppressive political structures.  Working with local partners and ecumenical networks, One Great Hour of Sharing can be trusted to bring timely, just and effective programs where they are needed most. 


 Thank you for giving generously

You can make a donation by check, on the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711, or donate online from our website

The link is https://orucc.org/contribute/support/

Office Manager Julie Wombacher

Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:00 pm

608-271-7212 or EMAIL

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey


Associate Pastor: Rev. Kate Mackey EMAIL

Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings


Children’s Education Coordinator & Music Director: Julie Mazer EMAIL

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