Worship Resources for Sunday, April 14, 2024

Orchard Ridge

United Church of Christ

Sunday Worship Resources

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Easter

9:00 am – No Nursery or Sunday School for Children

9:00 am – For Adults – Java & Jesus

10:00 am Worship

Sermon: Ken Pennings

Lay Liturgist: Bruce Gladstone

Music: ORUCC Choir

3:30 pm Confirmation-Lower Level

Click here for at-home bulletin

Join our Worship virtually

on YouTube any time after 10 am:

YouTube Link

You will need to refresh the page

after 10 am if you have opened it before

For Children & Youth – April 14th


There is no regularly scheduled Children’s Programming (including Nursery/Supported Childcare) this Sunday due to the All Church Retreat.

Looking ahead: 

April 21: Children are invited to participate in worship in a creative movement alongside the Bell Choir. More details to come next week! 

April 29: Children’s Labyrinth Walk 9 am


Sunday, April 14:

  • No 9:00 a.m. Sunday school programming due to the All-Church Retreat at Daycholah. TRU Function will still practice 10:00-12:00.
  • Older youth participating in the “Amazing Grace (Race)” with First Congregational Church will leave church by 12:45. You should have received an email from Julie Mazer with more details regarding this event if you are participating. 
  • Confirmation class will still be held 3:30-5:30 p.m. 

Service Trip Updates:

  • Please make your final payment toward the service trip either by check or on the website by 4/15. As a reminder, the initial deposit was $250, and the second payment is also $250, for a total of $500 per youth. If you are not sure how much you have already paid, please contact Julie Wombacher in the office: [email protected]
  • Please sign up for the Bratfest fundraiser if you have not done so already! Each youth is expected to contribute 8 hours at Bratfest (either individually, or can be split up between people to equal eight hours). If you are unable to participate, please contribute an additional $80 toward the cost of the trip. 
  • UPDATE: We will have some additional youth and one chaperone joining us from Middleton Community Church (UCC)! Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming collaboration.
  • Save the Date! We will have an important meeting for all youth and chaperones on Memorial day, Monday May 27 from 6:30-8:00. This is a time to go over details of the trip and get to know one another better! 

Java & Jesus

Sunday, April 14, at 9 am

Attend in-person at the church in the

Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely

by Zoom

Peg Knueve facilitating

All are welcome!

Join us even if this is your first time!

Please read ahead of time and come prepared

to discuss two pages from:


Shifting from Role to Soul


Click here for reading

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 Click here to join Zoom discussion

Or paste the following into your browser:  


To join Zoom discussion by phone: 1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 836 4943 6657

Passcode: 315584

If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom discussion,

phone Ken Pennings at 608-556-2371


One Great Hour of Sharing

Share the Light!

For 75 years One Great Hour of Sharing has provided an ecumenical response to disaster relief, refugee resettlement and community development around the world. The United Church of Christ joins multiple other denominations [including Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (USA), American Baptist, African American Episcopal, Church of the Brethren, and more] to express God’s love through water programs, agricultural assistance, infrastructure improvement and emergency shelter.  

Our One Great Hour of Sharing Compassion Offering for April provides rebuilding and grass roots assistance in today’s challenging world.  Please give as you are able to address the effects of war, climate-imposed migration, natural disasters, chronic poverty and oppressive political structures.  Working with local partners and ecumenical networks, One Great Hour of Sharing can be trusted to bring timely, just and effective programs where they are needed most. 


 Thank you for giving generously

You can make a donation by check, on the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711, or donate online from our website

The link is https://orucc.org/contribute/support/

Office Manager Julie Wombacher

Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:00 pm

608-271-7212 or EMAIL

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey


Associate Pastor: Rev. Kate Mackey EMAIL

Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings


Children’s Education Coordinator & Music Director: Julie Mazer EMAIL

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