Orchard Ridge
United Church of Christ
Sunday Worship Resources
Work & Worship Sunday!
May 21st
9:00 am Sunday School for Children
Java & Jesus for Adults
(scroll down for more information on both 9 o’clock offerings)
10:00 am Worship
Sermon: The Rev. Drs. David Anderman & Julia Burkey —
“Our Deep Story”
as a follow up to the sins of white christian nationalism study
Special Music: ORUCC Choir
Lay Liturgist: Susan Dovell & Children
Worship & Work After Worship!
Wear your grubby clothes and garden gloves and come and weed, mulch flower beds, trim bushes and plant plants.
Bring your wheelbarrow, shovels, trowels, rakes, blowers, and hedge trimmers (all marked with your names on them).
Help us care for our beautiful grounds and afterwards enjoy a wonderful lunch sponsored by Congregational Life.
Join our Worship virtually
on YouTube any time after 10 am:
You will need to refresh the page
after 10 am if you have opened it before
Java & Jesus
Sunday, May 21st, at 9 am
Attend in-person at the church in the
Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely
by Zoom
Dan Rossmiller facilitating
All are welcome!
Please join us even if this is your first time!
Please read ahead of time and come prepared to discuss the first chapter of Anne M. Clifford’s book Introducing Feminist Theology – “The Why and What of Christian Feminist Theology.” This chapter is uncharacteristically long for a J&J reading.
Please skip the introduction, begin reading
at page 9, and read only as much as you
have time, interest & energy to read.
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Or paste the following into your browser:
To join Zoom discussion by phone: 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 836 4943 6657
Passcode: 315584
If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom discussion,
phone Ken Pennings at 608-556-2371
Programming for Children
May 21st
Nursery Care opens at 8:30. Marcia Beckett and Amalia Sherrill are ready to play with your little one. Please note: 5/21 is the LAST Sunday for Nursery Care until September.
9am Sunday School: This Sunday, we’ll gather in the Bridges Room for some singing and then move to the Johnson Room next door to rehearse a drumming piece that we will play during worship. Anyone in K-8 is invited to join us! This is a very easy piece that everyone should be able to pick up quickly. Jadyn and Josie Gilbert will assist the children and Bethany Schultz will be with us to play the melody on her clarinet!
This piece, “Many and Great,” will be played early in the service. When the children are released, they will move to the garden with Rachael Lancor to start planting! Hint: send your child in their “grubbies” this week! After worship, the children are invited to stay in the garden to work or find other outdoor tasks. (This Sunday is Work and Worship).
May 28: No Nursery Care, Sunday School, or Children’s Programming
June 4: Last Day Celebration Sundae Sunday! Weather permitting, 9am Sunday School will meet outdoors. During worship, we’ll celebrate the many successes of the 2022-23 youth programming year and say Thank You to all of our Sunday School Guides and other youth leaders. Children will stay in worship that day. Following worship, we’ll celebrate with Ice Cream Sundaes!
Summer Programming: Though we will not have scheduled Sunday School or Music Connections, there will be opportunities for the children to work in the garden during worship for our yearly, “Kids in the Garden” program. Rachael Lancor will oversee this fantastic program.
OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center
OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center has served the Madison area since 1973, providing community building, health and human services, and economic, social, and racial justice advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. OutReach has staff advocates that offer peer support, information, and referral in three main areas: substance use and harm reduction, transgender services, and elder services (for those over age 50). We also host social and support groups for people from all across the LGBTQ+ community where people can come together to discuss their lives, learn new skills, or just watch a movie and have a good time! OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center houses the Earl Greely Memorial Library, an over-4000 volume lending library of LGBTQ+ fiction and nonfiction, the David Bohnett Cybercenter, community meeting space, and a community pantry with food and personal essentials.
Funds raised will be used to support Willma’s Fund, a program of OutReach offering emergency financial assistance to LGBTQ+ adults in Dane County. Willma’s Fund was founded in 2011 by Donald Haar, a former employee of the Salvation Army and drag performer who goes by the name Willma Flynn-Stone. Donald recognized that LGBTQ+ people often face additional barriers when accessing support for homelessness or housing insecurity and saw a way to help (and get back into performing drag!). Since 2011, Willma’s Fund has awarded over $250,000 to over 500 people. In 2022 alone we awarded $50,000 to 120 people. We paid 35 people’s security deposits or first month’s rent, and provided over 400 nights of emergency shelter through short-term hotel stays. Willma’s Fund is a vital piece of our community’s efforts to protect its most vulnerable members.
Office Manager Julie Wombacher
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:30 pm
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey
Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings
Children’s Education Coordinator & Music Director: Julie Mazer EMAIL
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