ORUCC –September Lunch & Learn

Lunch and Learn 

Wednesday, September 11th


We return on the 11th for our first meeting of our program year.  We gather at 11:30 am for the lunch portion in Friendship Hall and adjourn to Worship Hall for the Learn portion. This month we will learn about Braver Angels.


Braver Angels is a nonprofit dedicated to political depolarization. The organization runs workshops, debates, and other events where “red” (conservative) and “blue” (liberal) participants attempt to better understand one another’s positions and discover their shared values. The organization states that it is the “largest, grassroots, bipartisan organization in America dedicated to reviving the communal spirit of American democracy.” They say that their “method involves bringing politically diverse people together in small groups to listen empathetically to each other’s perspectives.”


As its main activity, Braver Angels runs conversations among Americans with opposing political views. Its flagship discussion format has been the Red/Blue workshops. The Red/Blue workshops are designed to facilitate understanding and conversations between conservative Reds and liberal Blues. Ideally, the number of Red and Blue participants is balanced for each session. The workshop was designed by Braver Angels co-founder, Prof. William Doherty, an expert in family social science at the University of Minnesota, based on therapy methods used in couples counseling.


Be prepared to learn non-threatening conversation techniques that may help us come to common ground on any issue.  We will see you Wednesday, September 11th at 11:30 am.  The meal donation is $10.  Please email Steve Sheets with your RSVP by September 9th [email protected] .