Java & Jesus
Sunday, May 19, at 9 am
Attend in-person at the church in the
Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely
by Zoom
Dan Rossmiller facilitating
All are welcome!
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At this session of Java & Jesus, we will discuss a video of a 2009 TED Talk by religious historian Karen Armstrong on the topic: “Let’s Revive the Golden Rule.”
Karen Armstrong is a British author and commentator of Irish Catholic descent known for her books on comparative religion. She is a former Roman Catholic sister who became a religious historian and author. Along the way, she moved from a conservative to a more liberal and mystical Christian faith. She attended St Anne’s College, Oxford, while in the convent, and majored in English. She left her order in 1969, while in college.
Among her many books are: A History of God (1993), which sketches the evolution of the concept of God in the three major monotheistic traditions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, along with some details on Buddhism and Hinduism; The Case for God (2009); Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life (2010); and The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts (2019).
Armstrong received the TED Prize in February 2008. She used that occasion to call for the creation of a Charter for Compassion, which was unveiled the following year.
Here is a link to the video:
Or simply click here
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