ORUCC Java & Jesus, March 13th, 11:30 am

Java & Jesus
March 13th, at 11:30 am, by Zoom
Baxter Richardson facilitating
All are welcome!
Please join us even if this is your first time!
Topic: Who is Your Jesus?
Our discussion will focus on 7 possible ways to see Jesus. There may be, of course, other interpretations. This discussion is not intended to be a quest for the “historical Jesus” although questions about what he actually said or did may come up.
We will do this by looking at selections from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all from the King James Bible. A few questions that we may want to entertain (1) What views do you find most compelling? (2) What are the implications for us as individuals and as a community? (3) Does it make any difference what we believe about Jesus? (4) What role does Jesus play in your life?
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