ORUCC – Dianne Stevens Memorial Service, Monday June 26th, 2pm

Dianne Stevens
October 23, 1943 – June 22, 2023 
Memorial Service
this Monday
June 26th, 2:00pm
Wear bright colors to celebrate her life!
You are invited to join us for a celebration of life Memorial Service at ORUCC at 2pm this Monday for Dianne Stevens. Dianne died peacefully in her sleep this week, after a vibrant and beautiful life and last week of life.
Dianne’s whole family from far and wide is in town visiting this week, and they thought while everyone was still here it would be a perfect opportunity to celebrate Dianne’s life.
If you are unable to join us on Monday, you may reply to this email with a memory or story about how Dianne touched your life. We hope to have the service live-streamed or recorded.
You are also invited to a reception with coffee, cookies and lemonade following the service.
We pray for peace to surround Dianne’s spirit and Dianne’s whole family.
In Lieu of flowers, we invite you to donate to ChildFund
Best bet is to call on phone — online donations make you register an account. Phone number for ChildFund is 800-776-6767