January 2022 Compassion Offering: The Crossing

The Crossing

The Crossing is a progressive Christian campus ministry where students can explore, question, understand, develop, and affirm their relationship with God, each other, and the world. In the heart of UW-Madison’s campus, The Crossing is a ministry for college students at UW-Madison and other schools in the Madison area. 

We are excited to be open for students this fall! It’s a joy to have the building abuzz with students studying, gathering, connecting over coffee, and finding The Crossing as a place for them to belong, explore faith, and become the person God created and calls them to be. Vibrant programming includes worship, small groups and bible studies, Queer Students of Faith, and our student leadership team that’s excited to host social events for students to connect and re-connect after being isolated all last year. We are thrilled to be able to continue as a hub for food opportunities on campus. In fact, The Crossing has quite a reputation among students of being a place to feed them! Food insecurity is a growing crisis for college students, and The Crossing partners with many different campus departments and organizations to offer free, nutritious meals (all while reducing food waste on campus!).

Check out our website for more information about The Crossing: http://www.crossingministries.org/ 

We are grateful for your support and commitment to college students!