You’re invited to ISRAEL IN CONTEXT, Feb. 25, 11:15 am, at ORUCC

You are invited!


Sunday, February 25th, 11:15 am, in Friendship Hall, at Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ, 1501 Gilbert Rd., Madison, WI 53711

No food is planned for this event, but feel free to brink snacks for yourself and/or others.

Micah 6:8 reads “….what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to have mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” We, as a community of faith, are therefore obligated to understand, with our limited capacities, the meaning of justice, mercy and humbleness even as the conflict in Gaza rages on.

To help us with this, Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Executive Director, Wisconsin Faith Voices For Justice and Rabbi Jonathan Biatch, Rabbi, Temple Beth El, will share with us their perspectives on this anguishing conflict. The following is their description of the presentation:

“We will cover a quick overview of 4000 years of Jewish history, explaining our historic ties to the land of Israel, our experiences in the Diaspora and 2000 years of longing to return to Israel, the impact of antisemitism on world Jewry, the founding of the state of Israel, and the history of the conflict between Israel and her Arab neighbors and Israel and the Palestinians. We hope people will come away with a better understanding of the deep connection Jews feel to the land of Israel, and of the roots and causes of the present conflict.“

Inquiries concerning the presentation can be directed to Baxter Richardson, [email protected] .