For Children & Youth – April 28th
8:30 Supported Childcare: Jade will be available to assist families with young children in The Crossroads.
All children and youth (PreK-HS) will gather at 9 am in the Bridges Room to center ourselves, review labyrinth expectations, and hear about “The Walk to Emmaus.” While walking the labyrinth in the Johnson Room, the children will be encouraged to wonder what it would be like for Jesus to walk alongside them. Reflection stations will be offered in both the Bridges Room and the Frank Room.
May 3: Family Game Night
May 5: Work and Worship
May 19: Confirmation Sunday
June 2: End of Programming Year Celebration
Music Connections: This week the children will begin the 10 o’clock hour in the sanctuary with you. When they are dismissed for Music Connections, we will move to the downstairs Bonhoeffer Room for movement and movement. We’ll revisit our guided meditation project and continue to work on the accompanying music. Al B. will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer.
Would you believe that there are ONLY THREE remaining Music Connections of this programming year?! I am in need of a Safe Sanctuary volunteer on May 12. Can you assist?
TRU Function plays during worship this week! Other youth are invited to participate in an all-ages Children/Youth Labyrinth Walk in the Education Wing, starting at 9:00 a.m.
Confirmation will meet from 3:30-5:30. Pastor Ken is joining us this week to share about ORUCC history, and what it means to be a member of the congregation.
Awaken Dane for Parents: I strongly encourage you to attend our 9:00 session in Friendship Hall. We are considering an invitation for this next year to be part of an exciting program called Awaken Dane. This would be an opportunity for our congregation to be in collaboration with diverse congregations in our area, and to focus more deeply on what it means to know and serve our neighborhood. We want as many different perspectives on this decision as possible!