ORUCC Youth February 4, 2024

Hello friends, happy February!
This Sunday our youth will have Echo the Story with Kristen and Susan in the Dorothy Day room at 9:00. TRU Function practices from 10-noon. Our Annual Congregational Meeting will happen this Sunday after worship.
February may be a short month, but there are some fun events coming up:

TONIGHT Friday, February 2: Family Game Night at church, 6-8 p.m.
Sunday, February 11: Faith in Action Brunch, 11:00 a.m. Sponsored by CWS, this intergenerational brunch will be an opportunity to get to know others at ORUCC and explore through guided table discussions how we live out our faith in action. All proceeds from this brunch will benefit the service trip.
Tuesday, February 13: Partygras!
Wednesday, February 14: Ash Wednesday Service and Labyrinth Walk 6:30 p.m. 
Confirmation Update:
March 3rd3:30-4:30 p.m.,Information Session at the church for those youth in 7th/8th/9th and their adults who might be interested in Confirmation. 
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Grace and peace,

Rev. Kate Mackey
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families
Orchard Ridge UCC
1501 Gilbert Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Office: (608) 271-7212 ex. 2030
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to one another.” -Mother Teresa 

*Please note: I take Fridays and Saturdays as sabbath days and may not respond immediately to my email during those times.