ORUCC Worship Resources for Sunday September 3rd

Orchard Ridge
United Church of Christ
Sunday Worship Resources

September 3, 2023
10:00 am Worship
Julia Burkey preaching, “Savoring Beauty”
Lay Liturgist: Leslie Linser
Special Music: Sandra Dyar
No “Kids in the Garden” or Java & Jesus this Sunday
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on YouTube any time after 10 am:
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The United Church of Christ’s
Hawaii Wildfires Response: 

Thiotte Haiti Vulnerable Children’s Relief, INC.
THIOTTE HAITI VULNERABLE CHILDRENS RELIEF, INC (THVCR) is a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that supports a group of women and children in the community of Thiotte,Haiti. These children are identified as being at risk of entering a child trafficking system because they don’t have parents, or the parents are not able to provide for them.  THVCR provides direct support to a Haiti organization (known as KoFAT Compassion Project) which hires five women who serve as community workers, three teachers to tutor and prepare the children for school and 3 cooks who prepare one meal per week for the 120 children. Funding covers the staff, annual tuition for 109 children to be in school this fall and the food to prepare the meals.
The relationship between THVCR and KoFAT dates back to 2009. In subsequent years, the program and has experienced progressive, controlled growth with the first year having 16 children in school and meals for about 80 children.  THVCR is a 501c3 nonprofit made up of an all-volunteer group of leaders and supporters who’s sole focus in on sustaining the work of KoFAT in Haiti. With that, 100% of donated funds are transferred to KoFAT to apply to teacher/cook salaries, student tuition and food.  Routine communication between THVCR and KoFAT is maintained with various methods including WhatsApp, emails and an annual meeting between Haitian and WI leaders that, for safety reasons, is held on the Dominican side of the border with Haiti. The next trip is scheduled for November 2023.
ORUCC’s association with THVCR originates with members Paul Patenaude and Ann & Roger Avery who have previously traveled to this region of Haiti as part of the Haiti Medical Mission of Wisconsin and who remain engaged in the work of THVCR. Thank you in advance for supporting THVCR as the September Compassion Offering. 
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
You can make a donation by check. On the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711, or donate online from our website. 

Office Manager Julie Wombacher
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:30 pm
608-271-7212 or EMAIL
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey
518-542-6915 EMAIL
Associate Pastor: Rev. Kate Mackey EMAIL
Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings
608-556-2371 EMAIL
Children’s Education Coordinator & Music Director: Julie Mazer EMAIL

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