ORUCC Worship Resources for Sunday September 25

Orchard Ridge
United Church of Christ
Worship Resources

Worship with us
in-person or virtually
Sunday, Sept. 25th,
at 10:00am
Preaching: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey, “Peace: Releasing Our Anger to God”
Special Music: John Leonard
Lay Liturgist: Lee Johnsen
Join our Worship virtually
on YouTube any time after
10 am:
You will need to refresh the page
after 10 am if you have opened it before
Scroll down for this Sunday’s 9 o’clock programming for children & adults
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Scroll down to give to the
UCC’s appeal for Pakistan

Discussion of Abortion Rights
September 25 at 9am Friendship Hall
Mike Murray, VP of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI), and Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Chair of the Wisconsin Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice WI-RCRC), will present on the current status of abortion access in Wisconsin. The presentation from PPWI will include a discussion of the current legal and legislative landscape, information on medical and surgical abortions and how PPWI is currently serving its patients to fill the needs. WI-RCRC will discuss the history of faith support for reproductive justice, the current status of organizing taking place, and plans currently in process for meeting patient needs through the faith community. Opportunities for volunteering and engagement will be explored. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion. Click HERE for more information and bios of presenters.

Children and Youth Programming for September 25th
PreK-2nd grade students will enjoy music at 9:00 and then hear another story about the time when Jesus was at the Sea of Galilee. Jill Westberg and Josie Gilbert will share that Jesus modeled kindness towards children and the poor. His way of teaching through example was seen as revolutionary and inspired others to spread the word. Children under the age of 5 are invited to stay as long as they are able and then transfer to the nursery to play with Antonia Wuschner and Amalia Sherrill.
3rd-5th Grade will continue their Peacemaker exploration. Last week, they talked about listening with our whole bodies and trying to really pay attention to someone when they are talking. This week, they will talk about another important piece of becoming a peacemaker - what we do when we get angry. Through a variety of active stations, they will learn how to share their angry feelings with God. Paul Vash and Jadyn Gilbert will guide them through the process.
Music Connections: This week, children in grades 2nd-5th + (middle schoolers and high schoolers are welcome to attend as a participant or helper) are invited to play xylophones with Julie Mazer after the children’s moment. Additionally, we will continue our rhythmic and spoken exploration of the scripture, “Be Still and Know that God is Peace.” Save the date for Sunday, October 23. That day, we’ll share music that we’ve developed on that passage during worship. 

September Compassion Offering
Just Dane
JustDane (formerly Madison-area Urban Ministry, is a non-profit organization that offers an array of direct supportive initiatives for people being released from incarceration through our reentry programs, employment training for people with barriers to employment through Just Bakery, children and families impacted by the justice system, justice involved youth, as well as recuperative medical respite for families experiencing homelessness. Recognizing that, in the words of Rev. William Sloane Coffin “compassion and justice are companions, not choices,” JustDane also engages in the community advocating for State and local justice system reforms, fair and affordable housing, and end to homelessness and racial and economic justice.
If you’d like to know more about our work, there are two members of ORUCC on JustDane’s Board, Julie Horst and Phil Haslanger and they would be happy to share more about JustDane’s work in our community. 
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
You can make a donation by check, on the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711, or donate online at orucc.org. Click the brown button “Contribute” in the upper right of the home page.
To Order Baked Goods
Here’s how to order delicious baked goods online from Just Bakery as part of the Compassion Offering for JustDane:
  • Go to LINK (https://justdane.org/shop/) Select desired items
  • On the CHECKOUT DETAILS page go to the line that reads, “If you have chosen pickup, what date would you like to pick up your order?” and enter “9/25/22”.
  • Fill in your name, address, phone number and email 
  • Go to the line that reads, “Order Notes” and enter “For delivery to Orchard Ridge UCC on Sunday, Sept. 25
When you have entered your credit card information and completed your order you will receive an order confirmation to your email.  Please place orders by Monday September 12th for delivery to ORUCC on Sunday, September 25th. (Sorry. In-person purchases on Sept. 25 are not possible.) Thank you!

Appeal from the United Church of Christ
for Pakistan
Following massive flooding across nearly three-quarters of the country, the United Church of Christ is issuing an appeal in support of the people of Pakistan. Pakistan has been enduring severe monsoon weather since June, with rainfall equivalent to 2.9 times the national 30-year average. To date, more than half of the country’s 160 districts have been declared ‘calamity hit’ by the government, a number that is expected to increase as rain and flooding continues.
With more than 33 million people affected by the flooding so far and an estimated 6.4 million in need of humanitarian assistance, this response is greatly needed. Through our membership in the ACT Alliance and contributions to its Rapid Response Fund, the United Church of Christ is already supporting early relief efforts. Emergency food and water, medical supplies, temporary shelter kits, and protective services are being offered by ACT members Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid.
Your gift to the United Church of Christ’s Pakistan Response Fund will help maintain this relief work and support the long-term recovery for vulnerable persons and affected communities. Farmers and livestock owners will receive the seeds, feed, and vaccines they need to restore their livelihoods. Pregnant women – of whom an estimated 650,000 are affected – will receive maternal health services. Protection services will ensure the creation of safe spaces for children and other vulnerable populations. Psychosocial support and trauma resources will be provided. Through our work with global partners and the ACT Alliance, your gift will be joined with others to bring hope, healing, and a helping hand to our neighbors in Pakistan.

Office Manager Julie Wombacher
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:30 pm
608-271-7212 or EMAIL
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey
518-542-6915 EMAIL
Associate Pastor: Rev. Ken Pennings
608-556-2371 EMAIL

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