ORUCC Weekly Announcements for May 9

Spiritually Alive, Joyfully Inclusive, Committed to Justice

Week at a Glance May 9

Sunday, May 12

9:00 am – Sunday School for Children

10:00 am Worship

Sermon: Rev. Ken Pennings

Lay Liturgist: Ruthanne Landsness

Music: Handbell Choir

3:30 pm Confirmation-Lower Level

Men’s Group

Monday, May 13

7:15 – 8:30 pm

Oscar Romero Room


Latina Maternal/Infant Health Workshops

Tuesday, May 14-Friday, May 17

See below for more details!

Reading the Bible

Seriously but not Literally

Tuesday, May 14

10:00 – 11:30 am

Alfred Swan Room

David Anderman


Wednesday, May 15

9:30 am

Friendship Hall

Choir Practice

Wednesday, May 15

7:00 – 8:30 pm


New Members Welcome

Meditation Group

Thursday, May 16

8:00 – 9:00 am

Oscar Romero Room

Becky Baumbach


Thursday, May 16

4:00 – 5:15 pm

Zoom (see below)

Meditation Group

Friday, May 16

9:30 – 10:30 am

Sue Dixon



Showing Compassion for Children in Gaza

Our May Compassion Offering – Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) — was identified and recommended by the ORUCC Palestine Justice Mission Team. After researching and considering many options, the Team unanimously approved sponsoring MECA as the Compassion Offering, in light of the current, urgent situation in Gaza. MECA has staff on site in Gaza to respond immediately and directly upon receiving our support. 


MECA was founded in 1988 in Berkeley, California as a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to deliver vital supplies and humanitarian services to children in Gaza. As MECA’s work has progressed over the years, its activities have included providing direct aid to refugee children in Lebanon and Iraq; water projects in Gaza that bring clean water for children and their families; assistance to community organizations that help meet Palestinian children’s needs; scholarships for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank; and educational/cultural programs in the USA to increase understanding about the lives of children in the Middle East and the impact of US foreign policy on people in the region.


Compassion Offering funds raised in May will be directed entirely to MECA’s emergency appeal for the humanitarian needs of Gazan children and their families. Our donations will quickly provide food, water, healthcare and shelter for children in Gaza who are hungry, injured, orphaned and/or homeless.



 Thank you for giving generously

You can make a donation by check, on the memo line, please write “compassion” and mail to ORUCC, 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison, WI 53711,

or donate online from our website. 

The link is https://orucc.org/contribute/support/

ORUCC Children & Youth Updates

Confirmation 2024

Sunday, May 12, 3:30-5:30 concludes our confirmation classes for this year! We look forward to celebrating our youth on May 19th for Confirmation Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

David Allen Returns to Oakwood

to Benefit our Youth

David Allen is pleased to return to Oakwood on Tuesday May 14th at 7pm for a solo piano performance. Original improvisational interpretations of classic tunes from the American songbook will be complemented by pop and classical selections. Featured composers include Bill Evans, Elton John, Bix Beiderbecke, Jerome Kern, and JS Bach. Donations received will support the Youth Ministry Program at the Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ. 


Support ORUCC Youth Service Trip:

Volunteer at Brat Fest!

ORUCC is an official volunteer organization with Brat Fest, and all proceeds from our volunteering there will go towards our Youth Service Trip this July. Folks from ORUCC are invited to help raise funds by signing up for a shift. There are many different ways to volunteer. Set-up for this community event begins in 2 weeks! Use this link and sign up under the name Orchard Ridge UCC. THANK YOU!

ORUCC to Host Conference Workshops

Tues May 14 to Friday May 17; Tues May 21 to Friday May 24

Latina Conference on Women’s and Children’s Health


For the next two weeks (Tuesday through Friday), ORUCC will welcome participants for workshops of the Latina Conference on Women’s and Children’s Health. Organized by Roots4Change, a Madison-based cooperative of Latina and Indigenous doulas (birth coaches), the conference is for Latino families and people whose work involves improving their health and well-being.

Workshops will be held throughout the day from 9am to 4:30pm in the education wing and lower level of the church. ORUCC meetings scheduled for those times will be held in their regular locations.

If you see someone from the conference, please extend a warm welcome. If you are interested in helping, please contact Deanna Blanchard ([email protected]) or Ruthanne Landsness ([email protected]).

For more information, go togo.madison.com/roots4change.

We Want to Hear from You!

Families: Please help Pastor Kate and Julie M. plan for the next programming year by giving us a little feedback on your experience this past year. Please fill out this survey, or share your thoughts directly with Pastor Kate ([email protected]). Thank you!

Reading the Bible

Seriously But Not Literally

Tuesday mornings 10-11:30 am

in the Alfred Swan Room

(Zoom if there is interest)

April 16 – May 21

Led by David Anderman

Our text will be The Emancipation of God: Postmarks on Cultural Prophesy by Walter Brueggemann, a world-renowned UCC Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures scholar. The book is a collection of recent short essays which originated as blog posts; they are readable and largely non-technical essays intended for the mythological ‘person-in-the-pew.’ The book is available on short notice from Amazon. Most local bookstores could order it but I would be surprised if any have it in stock. List price is $28.00. Good theology doesn’t come cheap. Neither does bad theology, for that matter.

Our first session(s) will look at the passages traditionally quoted by those opposing LGBTQ+ affirming theologies. Brueggemann sets them alongside the much more numerous passages of welcoming neighbors and of offering hospitality to strangers. This specific issue will open up broader consideration of the nature of Biblical interpretations. Other topics will include exploring what it means to be a Biblically-informed and -directed church in a capitalist empire that co-opts religious institutions and faith; and how a ‘declining’ church can offer hope to a discouraged and down-hearted, sometimes cruel culture.

Through these examples, we will learn ways of taking the Bible seriously but not literally. Two secondary texts will also be referred to. I have just started reading Reading Genesis by Marilyn Robinson, another well-known and UCC author. Fascinating passages about her reading of the book of Genesis. I will also refer to the essay The Symbol Gives Rise to Thought by Paul Ricoeur, a French philosopher who self-identified as a Reformed Christian.

Please email me if you are planning on coming, or have questions.

David Anderman, [email protected]

Please Join ORUCC Members as we Honor

the upcoming birth of Julia & Daniel’s Second Child


From now until May 19 you have Two Gift Options:


Diaper drive-Bring any type of size of diapers to the Pack’N Play in the church lobby. Diapers will be shared between Julia’s family and local Diaper Banks.

Monetary gift-Julia would like to employ a postpartum doula and donated funds will be used for this (and for a surprise gift for the family).


You may donate online at: LINK

Or with a check with “Baby Gift” in the memo line

Contact Deanna Blanchard with questions [email protected]



for you!

For the week of May 9 – May 15

Read this week’s reflections as a way to dive deeper into your spiritual practice or to get some nourishment and inspiration for your day.

Click Here for Reflections


We are grateful for the ministry of Jeanne Moberly who is a member of Adult Faith Formation, as she puts together a set of fresh readings every week for our devotional practice at Orchard Ridge UCC. You will see these posted daily if you are part of the “Members & Friends” Facebook group. If you know someone who needs encouragement and would like the devotional mailed to them, please contact Julie Wombacher in the church office.

Worker Justice Wisconsin Annual Faith Labor Breakfast

May 16 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am

First United Methodist Church


Join Worker Justice  Wisconsin on Thursday May 16 for the Annual Faith Labor Breakfast, a gathering of faith, labor and community organizations united in a commitment to worker justice Connect with allies, hear inspiring stories from worker members and discover how you can support rank-and file workers in organizing their workplaces.


This year’s theme is “ Sprouting the Seeds of Solidarity” Just like trees in a forest, we grow together in unity to create a world where every worker is treat with dignity and respect by their employers and have a real voice in the workplace.


In 2024 Worker Justice Wisconsin aims to intensify the wage theft campaign, expand collective action in the construction industry and support worker-owned cooperatives. 


If you are interested in attending please register please click here LINK


If you would like more information or have questions contact Paulette Harder at 262-385-6148 or email at [email protected]

Join for our final Wayfinding:

The Soul-tasks of Aging:

Toward a Theology of the Elder Years

May 15, 2024 9:45am-11:15am

Friendship Hall


    May 16, 2024 04:00 PM


Click here to join Zoom meeting


Meeting ID: 879 9802 5473

Passcode: 573548

Dial in

1 312 626 6799 US 

There is a new campaign to raise $200,000 to rebuild and strengthen the 17 lakeside cabins at Moon Beach, a place that has been a source of renewal for so many of us over the years.  Here’s a little more background from the folks at Moon Beach:

“The foundations, crafted decades ago with cinder blocks, stumps, and pine posts now require restoration to ensure their longevity and stability against the elements. By repairing and restoring the foundations with a firm footing for the footprint and base of the cabins, we can ensure their stability and compliance with regulatory standards, allowing us to maintain them for generations to come.”

With a matching grant already announced, the goal is to raise $100,000 that would then net the campaign $200,000. For those of us at ORUCC who love Moon Beach and who have the ability to give, thank you for your consideration.  Click here to donate.

Sign Up to Volunteer on Sunday Mornings Now Through the

End of September 2024!



AT ORUCC, the Members are the Ministers!

We are seeking volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings for in-person worship. You need not be a member, simply a person who loves ORUCC and is eager to find a place to serve!


Young people are welcome to sign up too!


Would you consider serving one or more times as

a Coffee Maker, a Welcomer, a Lay Liturgist or

to assist with Holy Communion?


Feel free to sign up as an individual, a couple, or a family!


Click here to sign up as a Coffee Maker

Click here to sign up as a Welcomer

Click here to sign up as a Lay Liturgist

Click here to assist with Holy Communion


After selecting one or more dates, you will need to click “Submit and Sign Up” at the bottom of the page, then enter your name & email address, then click “Sign Up Now.”


Questions or problems signing up?

Contact Ken Pennings at [email protected] or 608-556-2371.

Office Manager Julie Wombacher

available Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am -12:00 pm

by appointment

608-271-7212 or EMAIL

Senior Pastor Julia Burkey available

Tues.- Fri. & Sun. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

by appointment

518-542-6915 EMAIL

Associate Pastor Ken Pennings: available

Tues.-Thurs. 10:00 am -5:00 pm 

by appointment

608-556-2371 EMAIL

Associate Pastor Kate Mackey: available

Mon.-Thurs. 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

by appointment

608-358-6143 EMAIL

Julia and Ken (try to) take Monday & Saturday as Sabbath days,

Kate Friday and Saturday

Friday is observed as a writing day for the preaching pastor.

In case of a pastoral emergency, please call any of the pastors, as all pastors are available by phone, text and we will always have a pastor on call who we can turn to.

LIKE or FOLLOW the Orchard Ridge FaceBook Page

JOIN our Private FB Group:

Members & Friends of Orchard Ridge UCC

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ

1501 Gilbert Road

Madison, WI 53711


Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-12:30

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