Spiritually Alive, Joyfully Inclusive, Committed to Justice
Weekly Announcements
for Thursday, February 20
Adult Study Group
Thursday, February 20
Swan Room and Zoom: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Zoom: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
David Anderman (Questions? Contact David at [email protected])
Wayfinding Zoom
Thursday, February 20
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Julia Burkey
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 4588 6041
Passcode: 115289
Meditation Group–Zoom only
Friday, February 21
9:30 – 10:30 am
Sue Dixon
Sunday, February 23
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
9:00 am Children and Youth Faith Formation
9:00 am Java & Jesus, facilitated by Sophie Kramer
Alfred Swan Room
10:00 am Worship
Sermon: MOSES members of ORUCC.
(MOSES stands for Madison Organizing in Strength, Equity and Solidarity for criminal legal system reform. It is a grassroots, interfaith, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working for transformative justice in Dane County and Wisconsin.)
Lay Liturgist: Laura Conners
Musical Offerings: TRU Function
11:15 am MOSES information and conversation
Men’s Group
Monday, February 24
7:15 – 8:45 pm
Romero Room
Jim McNamara
Choir Practice
Wednesday, February 26
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Music Room or Worship Hall
Bruce Gladstone
Meditation Group
Thursday, February 27
8:30 – 9:30 am
Romero Room
Becky Baumbach
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Save The Date!
March 4th – Party Gras
March 5th – Ash Wednesday Service
March 12th – March Lunch and Learn
March 14th -16th – All Church Retreat
February Compassion Offering:
The Crossing
The Crossing is a transformative, creative, and welcoming justice centered campus ministry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Crossing provides a progressive Christian and multi-faith ministry that defines itself as a place where students come to “Belong – Explore – Advocate – Become.” Learn more about The Crossing at https://orucc.org/keeping-current/monthly-compassion-offering/
Upcoming Sunday Morning Opportunities…
Mark your calendars: there many special events offered both before and after worship!
- February 23, 11:15 a.m. MOSES Information and Conversation
- March 2, 9:00 a.m. Safe Sanctuary Refresher (Children/Youth Policy); 11:15 a.m. Immigration Justice “Know Your Rights” Training
- March 9, 9:00 a.m. Lenten All-Ages Faith Formation
- March 14-16, All-Church Retreat (see below for more details)
- March 23, 9:00 a.m. Newcomer’s Meet & Greet ; 11:15 a.m. Presentation on the January 2025 ORUCC Trip to the Border
- March 30, 9:00 a.m. New Members Class 1st Session
- April 6, 9:00 a.m. Children and Youth Ministry Update with Kate & Julie; 9:00 a.m. New Members Class 2nd Session
- April 13, 9:00 a.m. Palm Sunday Intergenerational Faith Formation; 9:00 a.m. New Members Class 3rd Session
- Easter Sunday, April 20, 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service followed by brunch; 10:00 Worship; 11:15 a.m. Children and Youth Easter Egg Hunt
- April 27, 9:00 a.m. Care of Creation Mission Team Presents: Gardening with Native Plants, with Andrew Epping; 9:00 a.m. New Members Class 4th Session
Java & Jesus will also return for adults’ faith formation in the Alfred Swan room at the 9:00 hour on the following dates: February 23, March 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13, May 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Ash Wednesday Fellowship and Service: 4:30 – 5:45 pm
We are planning to gather people at 4:30 pm outside for pop-up ashes rituals, bonfire, s’mores, and indoors for art and labyrinth walking. We then encourage everyone to stay for a Taize service at 5:15 pm for devotional reflection on our ashes, so that folks can be out before 6:00 pm or so and go home and have dinner. We look forward to being together!
Enjoying a sunset over Green Lake at the All-Church Retreat 2024
This is the LAST WEEK to register for the All-Church Lenten Retreat, March 14-16!
Our theme this year explores the seeming polarities of “faith” and “works”: how we develop spiritual resilience for meaningful action in the world. Set on beautiful Green Lake at Daycholah Center, our time together will include opportunities for rest, reflection, play, and prayer. The retreat is a wonderful way to experience deeper relationships with others at ORUCC as we also grow in our faith together. Registration is open through February 26th. Sign up today!
Along with the leadership and guidance of Pastors Julia & Kate, we are excited to welcome Chris Roberts as our retreat facilitator for Saturday! Chris and his wife Christina (pictured here) lead Foundry Spiritual Center .
Chris has served as a pastor and is trained as a spiritual director. He brings a wealth of experience and practice in helping folks explore contemplative, nature-based spiritual practices, themes of rest and renewal, being versus doing, contemplative music and prayer, and more!
Some FAQ’s:
Who is this for? Everyone! We will have engaging age-specific programming, plus many opportunities for intergenerational fun.
What will we do? We’ll spend time in fellowship (games, movies, and hanging out, eating good food!), opportunities for rest and relaxation, exploration of outdoors on the grounds of Daycholah Center, group sessions for learning and spiritual growth, and worship.
What is the sleeping situation? Some rooms are private and some are shared, and if you’d like to request a private room please reach out. The facilities have twin size mattresses, and you will need to bring bedding.
If I do register what should I bring?
Bring a sleeping bag or warm blanket, sheets and pillows for a twin size bed; towels and toiletries; warm outdoor clothes; cozy indoor clothes and indoor shoes; book/journal/art supplies for personal reflection and relaxation; games to share with friends.
Is Daycholah accessible? Yes! They have accessible rooms and an elevator in the dining hall building. They also have a golf cart that could be used for traversing Daycholah. There is no way we could say there are no trip or fall hazards, as Daycholah is built into a large hill. However, Daycholah staff will do everything we can to assist with any guest needs. If there are specific requests or questions related to the facilities, please reach out to Daycholah staff, Laura Jorgensen, [email protected]
What is the cost?
$200 for ages 12+
$140 for ages 4-11
Children under 4 no cost
The cost covers all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast, lodging, and programming for the weekend. These costs already reflect that a portion of the registration fee is covered by the church, but scholarships are also available upon request.
How do I register? Register online by February 26th. Payment for the retreat may be made by check, or at the church website
What should you do if ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) arrives? In light of recent changes to “protected spaces,” what rights do we have?
Join us here at ORUCC Sunday, March 2nd at 11:15 am for an informative session with Immigration Attorney Grant Sovern. Learn how to respond effectively to law enforcement and protect those within your community.
This training is open to all. No registration is required.
Important Lawsuit and Petition
The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) at Georgetown Law has filed a lawsuit on behalf of over two dozen Christian and Jewish religious denominations and associations in response to the Trump Administration’s rescission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “sensitive locations” policy that had restricted Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from conducting immigration raids, arrests, and other enforcement actions at houses of worship.
Please take the time to support ICAP in their efforts by signing a petition that will be sent to the president, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and every member of Congress.
Sign the Petition
Madison Mennonite Church is hosting a special performance by the St. Olaf College Handbell Choir, the premier auditioned ensemble of the college’s handbell program, on Sunday March 2, at 3:00pm, at the Orchard Ridge UCC/Madison Mennonite Church Worship Hall.
This performance is part of the choir’s Winter Tour. The widely-varied program features original compositions, arrangements, and everything from hymns to Gershwin, and a little jazz. Another highlight will be the premier performance of Sarabande, an introspective work by student member Henry Rye ’26. Other pieces combine bells with French horn, saxophone, and flute. Ringer Hannah Andersen will solo on bell tree and a handbell quartet will be performing as well.
It is a rare opportunity for us in Madison to see this outstanding group. The concert is free and open to the public (an offering will be collected).
Heart-Opening Opportunity
Are you feeling sad, scattered, isolated? Are you wondering where God is right now? The Thursday morning Meditation Group would love to have you join us, breathe in God’s presence, and ground yourself in love.
Thursdays, 8:30 – 9:30 am in the Romero Room. Questions? Contact Susi Petta at 608-712-9539 or Becky Baumbach at 608-239-0221.
Sign Up to Volunteer on Sunday Mornings now through March of 2025!
AT ORUCC, the Members are the Ministers!
We are seeking volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings for in-person worship. You need not be a member, simply a person who loves ORUCC and is eager to find a place to serve! Young people are welcome to sign up, too!
Would you consider serving one or more times as
a Coffee Maker, a Welcomer, an Usher, a Lay Liturgist or
to assist with Holy Communion?
Feel free to sign up as an individual, a couple, or a family!
Click here to sign up as a Coffee Maker
Click here to sign up as a Welcomer
Click here to sign up as an Usher
Click here to sign up as a Lay Liturgist
Click here to assist with Holy Communion
- Page #1: Choose the date you are available to volunteer and select the box that says “SIGN UP“. Then, at the bottom of the page select the box “SAVE & CONTINUE“.
- Page #2: Enter your first/last name and your email address. Then select the box at the bottom of the page “SIGN UP NOW“
Questions or problems signing up?
Contact Ken Pennings at [email protected] or 608-556-2371.
Come sing with us–join our Choir!
All singers are welcome to join our Choir! Rehearsals are Wednesday
evenings from 7:00 to 8:30pm. We sing in worship the first and third
Sundays of the month, gathering for rehearsal 9am those Sunday mornings.
Please share your voice with a group of music-loving friendly people! For more information, email Bruce Gladstone at [email protected].
for you!
Daily Reflections: February 20 – 26
We are grateful for the ministry of Jeanne Moberly, who is a member of Adult Faith Formation, as she puts together a set of fresh readings every week for our devotional practice at Orchard Ridge UCC. If you know someone who needs encouragement and would like the devotional mailed to them, please contact the church office.
Daily Reflections: February 20 – 26
Office Manager George Decker
available Mon.-Fri. 8:30am -12:30 pm
608-271-7212 or EMAIL
Senior Pastor Julia Burkey: available
Office hours: Tuesday – Thursday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
& by appointment Tuesday – Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm
518-542-6915 EMAIL
Associate Pastor Ken Pennings: available
Tues.-Thurs. 10:00 am -5:00 pm
by appointment
608-556-2371 EMAIL
Associate Pastor Kate Mackey: available
Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
by appointment
608-358-6143 EMAIL
Julia and Ken (try to) take Monday & Saturday as Sabbath days,
Kate Friday and Saturday
Friday is observed as a writing day for the preaching pastor.
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call any of the pastors, as all pastors are available by phone, text and we will always have a pastor on call who we can turn to.
LIKE or FOLLOW the Orchard Ridge FaceBook Page
JOIN our Private FB Group:
“Members & Friends of Orchard Ridge UCC“
Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
1501 Gilbert Road
Madison, WI 53711
Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-12:30