ORUCC Temple Beth El, Vigil for Holy Land

Join the Community Prayer Vigil for Israel

Tonight, October 8, 7:30 pm at Temple Beth El

Livestreamed on YouTube

Friends of ORUCC,

We received an invitation to join for a community vigil for those suffering in the Holy Land. You are invited along with our community partners, to stand in support and solidarity with those in the Holy Land tonight.

“Our hearts are shattered as we continue to watch the news and see Israel in the midst of war. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we come together to display our love and support of Israel and the people who live there. We stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel as we pray for our families, and friends, and for the safety of Israel.” 


View the Vigil on Livestream


Temple Beth El

2702 Arbor Drive

Madison, WI 53711