ORUCC – Sign up NOW for book group! – Do Thursdays work for you?

ORUCC Invites You to Join a

Book Discussion Group!

Might the Thursday evening group

interest you?

Most of our groups are nearly full, but we’re hoping for a few more to sign up for the Thursday evening group.

Sunday afternoon: 1 opening

Monday evening at Jeanne’s: 3 openings

Monday evening (Zoom): openings

Wednesday afternoon: 2 openings

Wednesday evening: 1 opening

Thursday evenings: 6 openings

Part of our fall sermon & discussion series on “Indigenous Justice” is our BIG READ of Kaitlyn B. Curtice’s book Native: Identity, Belonging and Rediscovering God. If you’d like to participate in the BIG READ, pick up a copy of the book right away and begin reading.

One great way to get the most out of the BIG READ is to participate in a small group of 8-12 people who are reading and discussing the book together in four 1.5 hr. sessions in a pattern of every other week (with an exception of one group).

We are offering 6 discussion groups — 4 groups in homes, 1 group by Zoom, 1 group at Oakwood Village West.

Plan to read ahead of time the following sections of the book and come prepared to discuss: Week One: Introduction and Part 1; Week Two: Part 2 & Part 3 (chapter 9); Week Three: Part 3 (chapters 10, 11, 12) & Part 4 (chapters 13, 14, 15); Week Four: Part 4 (chapter 16) through the end of the book.

Click here to sign up for a discussion group


Contact Ken Pennings at [email protected] or (608) 556-2371