ORUCC Nourish your soul


Greetings to you this mid-winter, mid-February day. May the peace of God’s stillness be within you and around you, inviting you to calm your mind. May any catch in your breath begin to even out. Take this moment to bless and accept your life, just as it is, and to acknowledge the presence of the holy with you now. May you feel your breath deepen as you arrive in the moment, clearer, more present, alive and awake. May the peace of God be with you.

Early February brings rituals from around the world like the Lunar New Year and the Celtic Imbolc, focusing on new beginnings, clearing out the old, setting intentions for what is to come. We are more than half-way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox! Although we are still in the cozy hibernation season, the light is slowly growing again.


I trust the goodness of what is to come in our common lives at ORUCC. In worship we wondered together about seeds of abundance that are already planted in the earth, gestating and being nourished by God’s fertile soil. We invited each other to approach this season in our common lives with a spirit of abundance. A spirit of abundance helps us to trust that through all the change we are yet to face, God will be with us and we will have each other. We will have the Holy Spirit helping to inspire us; we will never be alone. In this moment, you are enough, we have everything we need to allow our lives to thrive in God’s love.

Focusing on Youth & Children

I this spirit of abundance, we will focus on the children and youth this year. We want to make sure the children are included in the fullness of the church. Two simple gestures will help with this intention: We have brought back the children’s moment in worship and we will read the some text in worship that the children have read in Sunday School.

We will continue the intention of creating a safe and nourishing environment for the children to encounter ancient stories from our tradition, and make space for them to encounter the emerging spiritual truths in their own being. Our children and youth programming is truly some of the best I have ever seen, and I am eager to learn from the seeds planted and the rhythm of programming set by ORUCC and Pastor Tammy for our children and youth. Our Sunday School is currently focusing on parables, and the middle-schoolers are learning about covenant and Jesus and will soon shift to the interfaith coexist programming.

This is a church who knows the power of children and knows how important it is to hold space for the gifts of youth, for playing, imagination, even for rebellion, storytelling, for creativity and music making, nurturing the gifts of youth. Intergenerational community where children are truly seen AND heard is a rare gem.

Ash Wednesday Drive By Ashes and Labyrinth walk, March 2nd 4-5pm

I feel good things coming for us as a church community. As Lent approaches on March 2 with Ash Wednesday, I look forward to our drive-by ashes from 4-5pm. I along with Pastor Tammy, Pastor Ken and Pastor Valerie will be out front with a fire, maybe some marshmallows, and some suggested ritual for the imposition of ashes to help guide you into the spirit of Lent. You are welcome to then take a contemplative Labyrinth walk if you desire. The container of time during Lent is a sacred doorway which can be used to deepen in our spiritual practice and widen our commitments to justice.

Upcoming Social Justice Programming

I am so excited for our 8:45am Sunday morning in-person Social Justice programming beginning February 27 and going through May 15. The full calendar will be published soon. In a theological context, I like to think about the social justice work we do now as a continuation of not only the ways Jesus confronted the powers and systems of oppression, but as a continuation of the healing work of Jesus. If we approach this healing work and justice work with a spirit of openness, God will join us in our work, and we will know that it is God who heals the world through us, who helps guide and inspire us.

Prayer for our church

Below is a prayer that our moderator Barbara Stretchberry read at our annual meeting last Sunday. May it help unite our hearts in the common good and in our shared efforts of healing and loving the world and each other.

Creator God,

We give thanks for the many gifts of this church and its members. We give thanks for our pastors and staff who hold the fabric of this church together in so many ways. We pray for our leaders, our members, our community, and our world. Help us to be Your light and love for each other.

Walk with us this year as we work together in Your name. Draw us together in love and hope as we live out our Your Word together. Help us to hold lightly and be agile in the changes that are bound to happen this year.

Fill us with grace and patience and humor when the work is hard and help us to remember to take time to also rest and renew our bodies and minds so that we may be more whole in our work together.

We remain spiritually alive, joyfully inclusive and committed to justice in Your name.


Love and gratitude to you,

Pastor Julia