ORUCC March 9 Children and Youth News

ORUCC Children and Youth

Faith Formation Update

Sunday, March 9, 2025

*Daylight Savings Begins – Set Clocks One Hour Back*

Dear Families,

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. This coming Sunday is the First Sunday of Lent. There will be a special all-ages faith formation event at 9:00 a.m. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events, photos of recent events, and a prayer to try as a family this week.

~Pastor Kate and Julie M.

Nursery Care is available 8:30-11:30. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one.

Intergenerational Faith Formation 9:00 a.m.: All are welcome to attend an all-ages faith formation event for the first Sunday of Lent! Together, we will share story-telling and faith reflection led by Julie Mazer and conversation while we write cards to new and old friends, draw, and even act out a skit! This will be in place of regular children’s, youth, and adult faith formation for this Sunday.

Due to the All Church Retreat, There will not be 9 am Faith Formation next Sunday, March 16. Music Connections will be offered that day at 10 am.

Faith Formation will meet on Sunday, March 23, for a labyrinth walk.

No Faith Formation on Sunday, March 30 due to Spring Break.

Music Opportunities for Children and Youth

Music Connections resumes this week. Following the children’s moment, children in grades 2-6 are invited to the downstairs Bonhoeffer room. This week, we’ll continue our exploration of the Creation story. We’ll fine-tune our soundscape by using a variety of instruments to represent nature and animals. Your child will return to the sanctuary for communion. Owen will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer.

Older youth are invited to stay in worship or participate in Music Connections as a helper. If your child wishes to be a helper, please connect with Julie to chat about expectations. In agreement with our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy, two adults must be present in a room when working with children. Sign up to volunteer. 

TRU Function: TRU Function will practice from 10:00-12:00 in the Haynes Music Room.

Upcoming Events

  • Amazing GRace (for Middle and High School Youth): Sunday, April 6 –RSVP to Julie

“The GRACE is run much like the popular CBS, TV reality show. Teams of Church Youth follow clues to make their way around the greater Madison area on a race to the finish line. Along the way, youth (as individuals and teams) complete an array of challenges to receive their next clue.

Think of it as a mash-up of: ESCAPE ROOM, BIBLE STUDY, & RACE!

The first team to finish the GRACE will win a Trophy and the PRIZE POT will be donated to the CHARITY of their choosing! BUT…. all who participate are WINNERS!” Last year, our team WON and brought home the traveling trophy. We are invited back this year to defend our winning title. Additionally, our youth will have the opportunity to meet youth from other area UCC churches.

In the Community

  • “Resilient Families” Conversations, March 16 and April 13, 5:00-7:30 p.m.: Madison Friends Meetinghouse (Quaker) invites the community to participate in monthly conversations about challenges facing families today. March 16 focuses on social media usage, and April 13 on talking about climate change. Free dinner and childcare provided! See this document for more information.

At Orchard Ridge, we are Spiritually Alive!

Earth Quilt

On Sunday, February 2, all children and youth gathered together to begin work on a collaborative quilt. Words from The Parable of the Mustard Seed prompted wondering about things that start small and grow bigger. Not only do plants grow, but so do hope, love, peace, and joy. Our quilt will also start small and grow bigger. Quilts are often given to provide warmth and as a gesture of love. Many of the fabrics we will use were also used in projects to support other causes, like quilts for the people of Gaza. Using these materials connects us to others around the world and reminds us of the warmth of God’s Love.

Home Prayer for the Week:

You are invited to use this prayer with your family to help deepen your faith together. Times you might consider sharing this prayer include before bedtime, at mealtime, or any other regular connecting moment you share with your child(ren). Does your family have a prayer practice or a favorite prayer? If you are comfortable sharing, please EMAIL JULIE, and your family’s prayer will be featured here.

*On Sunday, March 3, the children heard a story about how Ruth and Naomi found safety and acceptance after traveling from Moab to Bethlehem. This moral beautifully echos our church’s dedication to social justice. At the end of class, the children joined together in this prayer.

God, your compassion was not just sentiment and a suggestion to be nice to people. You enacted laws to make sure that the vulnerable in society were cared for. Help us move beyond empathy and feelings and take actions that will make a fair, equitable, and sustainable world for all people. Amen.

(from “Shine Curriculum”).