Home Prayer for the Week:
You are invited to use this prayer with your family to help deepen your faith together. Times you might consider sharing this prayer include before bedtime, at mealtime, or any other regular connecting moment you share with your child(ren). Does your family have a prayer practice or a favorite prayer? If you are comfortable sharing, please EMAIL JULIE, and your family’s prayer will be featured here.
*On Sunday, March 3, the children heard a story about how Ruth and Naomi found safety and acceptance after traveling from Moab to Bethlehem. This moral beautifully echos our church’s dedication to social justice. At the end of class, the children joined together in this prayer.
God, your compassion was not just sentiment and a suggestion to be nice to people. You enacted laws to make sure that the vulnerable in society were cared for. Help us move beyond empathy and feelings and take actions that will make a fair, equitable, and sustainable world for all people. Amen.
(from “Shine Curriculum”).