ORUCC Java & Jesus, Oct. 16th, 9 am (In-person or by Zoom)

Java & Jesus
Sunday, Oct. 16th, at 9 am
Attend in-person at the church in the
Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely
by Zoom
Dan Rossmiller facilitating
All are welcome!
Please join us even if this is your first time!
On several Sundays this fall, members of our congregation are engaging in Storytelling Sessions. In those sessions, Pastor Julia and members of our visioning team are using the Appreciative Inquiry process to guide us in interviewing each other about what we value. Those discussions are focusing on what we value about ourselves, each other, and ORUCC, and aim to help us discern where God is guiding us into the future.
This Sunday, Java & Jesus will examine the basics of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. The Appreciative Inquiry process allows for the good, the true, the beautiful of our past to be carried forward into the future. The basis of the process is storytelling and one-on-one interviews. This week’s reading explains key components of the appreciative inquiry process, but we will also want to focus on our experience of the process.
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To join Zoom discussion by phone: 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 836 4943 6657
Passcode: 315584
If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom discussion,
phone Ken Pennings at 608-556-2371