ORUCC Java & Jesus, May 12th, 9 am (In-person or by Zoom)

Java & Jesus

Sunday, May 12, at 9 am

Attend in-person at the church in the

Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely

by Zoom

Jim McNamara facilitating

All are welcome!

Join us even if this is your first time!

Please read ahead of time and come prepared to discuss “Anti-Zionism Is Not the Same as Antisemitism. Here’s the History” 

by Benjamin Moser

from Chistian Ethics Today.

With all the turmoil over the Israeli-Hamas (Palestinian) war, last December’s congressional resolution equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism and the subsequent student protests, we wonder how we should respond to the “anti-semetic” protesters on and off our nation’s campuses. This article gives a brief history of the difference between anti-Zionist and antisemetic behavior. Recently President Biden spoke out about the increase in antisemitism in the US while, at the same time, our nation is withholding military supplies from the Israeli government. Are these actions compatible or not? What should our response to this situation be? Can we oppose the Israeli actions while supporting the Jewish community? Join us for discussion!

Click here for reading

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To join Zoom discussion by phone: 1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 836 4943 6657

Passcode: 315584

If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom discussion,

phone Ken Pennings at 608-556-2371