ORUCC Java & Jesus, June 12th, 9 am (In-person or by Zoom)

Java & Jesus
June 12th, at 9 am
Note the change in the start-time (we’ll gather at 9 am)!
Attend in-person at the church in the
Alfred Swan Room, or attend remotely
by Zoom
Jeanne Moberly facilitating
All are welcome!
Please join us even if this is your first time!
Please read ahead of time and come prepared to discuss “Finding a Spiritual Sensibility within a Secular Word–Guidance from Modern Christian Mystics.”
To join Zoom discussion by phone: 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 836 4943 6657
Passcode: 315584
If you have difficulty accessing the Zoom discussion,
phone Ken Pennings at 608-556-2371