ORUCC February 2 Children and Youth News

ORUCC Children and Youth

Faith Formation Update

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Dear Families,

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events, photos of recent events, and a prayer to try as a family this week.

~Pastor Kate and Julie M.

Nursery Care is available 8:30-11:30. Abby and Najma are ready to play with your little one.

Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. 

ALL CHILDREN AND YOUTH will meet in the Bridges Room this Sunday. We’ll start with a story of the Parable of the Mustard Seed and then introduce our collaborative art project! For the next month, Nancy Wettersten will guide us in making a quilt. Each child/youth is invited to design a square on the theme of “Earth.” Together, we will create something big from something small.

*Our work will continue over the next four weeks. Your child has time to participate even if they cannot attend this Sunday. Ideally, they can participate in Faith Formation at least twice between February 2 and March 2 to complete their square.*

Your child will wait for you in the classroom before moving to the sanctuary for worship at 10 am. 

Music Opportunities for Children and Youth

Music Connections: Following the children’s moment in worship, children in grades 2-6 are invited to join Julie downstairs in the Friedrich Bonhoeffer room for Music Connections. This week, the children will continue their exploration of the Creation Story through sound. Owen will be our Music Connections Volunteer. 

Older youth are invited to stay in worship or participate in Music Connections as a helper. If your child wishes to be a helper, please connect with Julie to chat about expectations. In agreement with our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy, two adults must be present in a room when working with children. Sign up to volunteer. 

TRU Function: Youth who are in TRU Function will meet in the Haynes music room from 10:00-noon for regular practice.

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, February 2, All-Church Annual Meeting after worship. Come to hear more about what’s ahead in the life of the congregation. Members of ORUCC will have an opportunity to vote on the annual budget and other topics important to the life of the church, but all are welcome!
  • Sunday, February 2, 1:30-3:30: Speed Puzzling! at Bethany UMC 3910 Mineral Point Road. Registration is required for the teams of four. Casual puzzlers and spectators do not need to register ahead of time. Register Here.
  • Teams of four race to complete a 500-piece puzzle
  • Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place finishers, as well as the fastest “newbie” team
  • Casual Puzzling Tables
  • Swap Table (drop off or pick up gently-used puzzles)
  • Door Prizes
  • Light refreshments
  • Friday, February 7, 6:30-8:00 Family Game Night at ORUCC. Bring a game and a dish to share at this relaxed gathering of fun and fellowship.
  • February 9 and 16, Youth Faith Formation (7th-HS) at 9:00 a.m. will feature a documentary viewing and conversation of Palestinian Justice with Diane Dulin, a member of our ORUCC Palestinian Justice mission team.
  • March 14-16 Save the date for our Lenten All-Church Retreat at Daycholah Center. More details to come soon!

At Orchard Ridge, we are Spiritually Alive!

Labyrinth Walk

On Sunday, January 19, all children and youth gathered together for a mindfulness labyrinth walk. Words from the Book of Job (story, “Job and the Whirlwind”) guided our wonderings, thoughts, and meditations. Have you, or someone you know, ever gone through a time where everything is going wrong? How did you find or give support? Where did you find God in those tough moments?

Home Prayer for the Week:

You are invited to use this prayer with your family to help deepen your faith together. Times you might consider sharing this prayer include before bedtime, at mealtime, or any other regular connecting moment you share with your child(ren). Take a few deep breaths together, close your eyes and hold hands, or hold your hands over your hearts, and share:

Peace, peace, peace,

peace in our hearts,


Peace in our minds,


Peace when we wake,

peace when we sleep,

peace shining bright in our lives.

(From Prayers for Faithful Families by Traci Smith)