Sunday, December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas
10:00 am: Advent 4 & Christmas Carol Sing
Coffee, cocoa & cookies plus cozy casual worship service for the whole family. You’re invited to wear something festive or even your pajamas!
This service is in-person only and
will NOT be live-streamed.
3:00 pm: Children & Youth Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with original and classic Christmas music in the theme of “hope” with children of the church and youth rock band TRU Function.
Live-Streamed & in-person
YouTube Link
You will need to refresh the page
after 10 am if you have opened it before
5:30 pm: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
shared with ORUCC and Madison Mennonite Church
Special Music: ORUCC Choir
As a shared in-person service, our live-stream option is to join this special service over ZOOM, as the Mennonite community does at their weekly services.
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 813 7763 6352
Passcode: 094412
Here is a google doc Printable Bulletin