ORUCC: Canceled: Pastor Tammy’s Celebration August 6th

Subject: Pastor Tammy’s retirement celebration scheduled for August 6th is Canceled.

Dear Members and Friends of ORUCC,


After a wonderful mission trip, the unfortunate and perhaps inevitable happened: COVID came to pay our youth and chaperones a visit. Our Associate Pastor Tammy Martens tested positive for COVID this morning after having symptoms for a few days.


For this reason, we are canceling Tammy’s retirement celebration scheduled for Saturday August 6th. This celebration included social time and food inside and overall felt too risky; we feel better moving forward with caution and canceling. Many people, likely including Tammy, would have to miss the party. It wouldn’t feel right.


Instead, we are planning a way to honor Tammy during worship on Sunday, August 7, her official last day as Associate Pastor at ORUCC. We will take it day by day and trust that we will be able to say a meaningful and heartfelt good-bye to Tammy and her ministry and to bless her into her new chapter of life.


We give thanks for the success of the mission trip to Birmingham, Alabama last week. It was Tammy’s final trip, and once again, she facilitated a beautiful week of service, friendship, and fun for so many youth in our community. Tammy is filled to the brim with positive feelings at the end of her ministry, even though the party needs to be canceled. She can’t think of a better way to end her time with us, than another beautiful justice immersion mission trip.

We will update you later this week with our plans for Sunday. Until then, please remain safe & well,




Julia Burkey, Senior Pastor

Tammy Martens, Associate Pastor

Barbara Stretchberry, Moderator


A big and warm thank you to all the volunteers and to our organizers! You are amazing! We are grateful for you Ann Evensen, Kellie Miller and Barbara Stretchberry