Deliver a Meal to the Olajos Family?

Deliver a Meal to the Olajos Family?

Julianna Olajos has been suffering with inflammation in her ears from a virus, which led to middle ear infections and her right ear drum rupturing. She needs surgery for ear tubes. Right now she is severely hearing impaired. This is causing a lot of stress on the whole family. Please consider signing up to bring over a meal to them (Suzanne, Arpad, John & Julianna). We suspect that the two slots may fill up quickly. Feel free to phone Suzanne to see if they would welcome a meal at another time that is listed on the sign-up

(608-658-5420). Meal can be dropped off at 668 Harvest Lane, Verona, WI 53593, in containers that do not have to be

returned to you.

Click here for the Meal-Train page to sign up