ORUCC January 12 Children and Youth News

ORUCC Children and Youth

Faith Formation Update

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dear Families,

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Read on below for details about this week. At the bottom of the email, you will find some important dates for some fun events and photos of recent events.

~Pastor Kate and Julie M.

Supported Childcare opens at 8:30 am. Jade will be available in the Crossroads to asssit with childcare.

Children and Youth Faith Formation is at 9 am. 

PreK-1 (William Johnson Room): Children are invited to sing with Julie in the William Johnson room at 9:00-9:15. After the music, their classroom “guides,” Marcia and Karen, will lead the children in the story, “The The Best Ways to Live.” 

2-6 grade (Ruby Bridges Room): This week, the children will begin a new curriculum, “Path to Peace with Creation” (Shine Curriculum). Each week, we’ll explore scripture related to nature, peace, and community with multi-sensory experiences. This week’s focus is the Creation Story. The children will read scripture, listen to sounds of nature, create images using natural materials, paint, wonder, and sing. Josie and Hal will guide the children through the experience.

Your child will wait for you in the classroom before moving to the sanctuary for worship at 10 am. 

Youth (7th-High School) will meet at 9:00 a.m. for “Coexist” with Kristin and Susan.

Music Opportunities for Children and Youth

Music Connections: Following the children’s moment in worship, children in grades 2-6 are invited to join Julie downstairs in the Friedrich Bonhoeffer room for Music Connections. This week, the children will explore the Creation Story through sound. Owen will be our Safe Sanctuary volunteer.

Older youth are invited to stay in worship or participate in Music Connections as a helper. If your child wishes to be a helper, please connect with Julie to chat about expectations. In agreement with our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy, two adults must be present in a room when working with children. Sign up to volunteer. 

TRU Function (youth band) will practice this Sunday from 10:00-noon in the Haynes Music Room. 

Upcoming Events

  • Family Game Night, January 10, 6:00-8:00 p.m.: (moved to the second Friday this month) This casual, all-ages game night is open to all. Bring a potluck item and game to share, if you’d like! All are welcome to attend this laid-back gathering for fun and friendship.
  • Deadline extended! January 20: MLK Day Children’s Service Day, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: Representatives from Beth Israel Center, Madinah Academy of Madison, Madison Christian Community, and First Congregational are working together to present One Day…Weaving Hope, a Madison Area Interfaith MLK Day children’s event. Children, grades 1-8, will gather to celebrate the life and work of Dr. King through community building, cooperative games, art, service projects, and social justice activities. Last Day to Register is January 12! Please visit First Congregational UCC website to register: https://www.firstcongmadison.org/
  • Speed Puzzling! Sunday, February 2, 1:30-3:30 at Bethany UMC 3910 Mineral Point Road. Registration is required for the teams of four. Casual puzzlers and spectators do not need to register ahead of time. Register Here.
  • Teams of four race to complete a 500-piece puzzle
  • Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place finishers, as well as the fastest “newbie” team
  • Casual Puzzling Tables
  • Swap Table (drop off or pick up gently-used puzzles)
  • Door Prizes
  • Light refreshments

At Orchard Ridge, we are Spiritually Alive!

Quote of the Week:

During Music Connections, Julie led a Christmas Eve reflection. The children were prompted to share what they remembered and enjoyed. June shared,

“I got to express myself through music.”

Intergenerational Faith Formation

On Sunday, January 5, 35 children and adults gathered with Julie in Friendship Hall for an Intergenerational Faith Formation experience. Together, we heard the Christmas Story, arriving at the Magi’s meeting of the Christ Child. Following the story, we engaged in conversation, coloring, and the creation of beaded stars. It was powerful to begin our new year in community and creativity.