3/17 Sunday School

This week…

8:30 Nursery Care: Jade and Marcia will be available for childcare in the nursery. 

Sunday School starts at 9 am. PreK-1st grade children are invited to sing with Julie in the Johnson room from 9:00-9:15. After the music, Karen and Josie will guide the children in the Lenten stories, “Too Afraid to Follow Jesus” and “Jesus' Trial.”

The 2-5 grade classroom will continue their study of the season of Lent. This week, the children will learn about Palm Sunday to prepare them for next week.  Stations will include sand, several art opportunities, and puzzles. We'll close with a visual meditation by viewing art inspired by Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. Joanna and Jadyn will guide the children in their learning in the Bridges Room. Be sure to pop by the Bridges Room to share your thoughts on “How We Can Make The World A Better Place.” Please add your ideas to the sign on the door. Everyone in our community is welcome to contribute. 
Looking ahead: 
March 17: Pastor Kate's Installation 1:30
March 24: Palm Sunday (no regular Sunday school)
March 28: Maundy Thursday Dinners (sign up here)
March 29 Good Friday Tenebrae 7:00 p.m.
March 31 Easter: (no regular Sunday school)
     6:30 a.m. Sunrise service, followed by brunch
     10:00 a.m. Easter Worship, followed by egg hunt

Julie Mazer (she/her)

Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Children's Education Coordinator
Children's Music Director