Updates from MOSES

ORUCC is a congregational member of MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equity, and Solidarity). The mission of MOSES is to build collective power to dismantle the systems of mass incarceration and mass supervision and to eradicate the racial disparities in our community that contribute to them.

MOSES is an advocacy group, not a direct services group. It is an affiliate of the statewide WiSDOM network. Working groups within MOSES and the larger WISDOM network advocate around improved response to mental health emergencies, reducing the number of people in jail, improved literacy for young people, restorative justice programs in the schools, reducing homelessness, humane treatment of prisoners, release of prisoners whose incarceration does not aid public safety, supporting public schools, protecting voting rights, and other issues.

Mission Team Meeting October 18

The newly-formed MOSES mission team is the ORUCC implementation of what MOSES calls a congregational core team. Our next meeting will be Friday October 18 1:30-2:30 on Zoom. You are invited to attend if you are interested. This group

  • communicates with the congregation about MOSES activities and issues
  • seeks input from the congregation about issues of concern
  • invites participation in MOSES activities

Zoom information:


Meeting ID: 816 5015 3506
Passcode: 960218 

For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Upcoming Events of Interest

Tuesday October 22 6pm First Unitarian Society, Atrium Auditorium. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will discuss his book Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence with moderator Mark Nichols of the Capital Times and open remarks by Representative Mark Pocan. The book describes the prosecution of officer Derek Chauvin for killing George Floyd and reflects on what is necessary for police reform.

Friday November 1 6:30 pm First Unitarian Society Friday Film Series. Poverty and Power. Directed by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Jacob Kornbluth, it is the story of what happens when you bring people with lived experience–their voices, ideas and aspirations–to the halls of power. Flyer

Tuesday November 12. 9 am to 3 pm. Alliant Energy Center. The Homelessness Service Consortium and Wisconsin Homelessness Awareness are hosting a summit that will include educational sessions, networking opportunities, and discussions with fellow community members and elected officials. Registration link. PDF of flyer with information..

Call for Humanitarian Release for Some Wisconsin Prisoners

The “old law” working group in WISDOM advocates for people who are being punished much longer than their original sentencing judges intended. They were sentenced before 2000 when it was expected that people would be eligible for parole. This flyer describes the cases of young people sentenced in the 1990s at the height of the mass incarceration boom who have rehabilitated and should be given a chance to return to their families and old people who are ill and deserving of compassionate release so they can be cared for by their families. This flyer also answers frequently asked questions about long prison sentences, rehabilitation, and second chances. The working group is advocating with state legislators and the governor for the release of these people.