Monthly Compassion Offering
All money collected from non-pledge offerings on Sunday goes to a different designated organization each month. You can also make a Compassion Offering contribution online which will go to the current month’s organization. You may also send checks directly to the church at 1501 Gilbert Road, Madison WI 53711. To contribute to previous groups featured in Compassion Offerings, contact the groups directly. Archive of past Compassion Offerings.
Recipient organizations of the monthly Compassion Offering are selected by the Ministry of Christian Witness and Service (CWS). Any member of the ORUCC congregation or pastoral staff may nominate a recipient organization that falls within our guidelines. To review the guidelines and suggest an organization to be considered for a monthly Compassion Offering at ORUCC, please read and complete this form.

March Compassion Offering: The Community Immigration Law Center (CILC)
By Orchard Ridge UCC
March 1, 2025
The Community Immigration Law Center (CILC) provides pro bono representation for immigrants facing deportation. CILC is frequently the last line of defense for people who are in need of information and representation in our legal system. The five lawyers and paralegal of CILC are housed at Christ Presbyterian Church in Madison.
With representation such as that of a CILC attorney, a person’s chance of success in immigration court increases dramatically. CILC provides both formal representation of clients plus a weekly asylum clinic. The latter provides information that helps many more people to navigate the judicial process. CILC also hosts an immigration consultation clinic twice a month for anyone in the community with immigration-related questions. CILC coordinates with agencies at the local, state, and national level to support immigrant families in our community and beyond.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.