Java & Jesus

Java and Jesus is our Sunday morning adult discussion group. It meets most weeks at 9 a.m. and is currently meeting in person (in the Swan seminar room off Friendship Hall) with the option to attend via Zoom. (Equipment in the Swan Room allows in-person participants to see and hear those on Zoom and Zoom participants to see and hear the people in the room.) Each week’s reading is typically posted on Wednesday or Thursday for the following Sunday.

J&J is sometimes canceled when there is large-group programming at 9 and may be canceled for part of the summer. Weekly announcements and worship resources will say if J&J has been canceled. The most recent J&J email is automatically posted below. New people are always welcome and it is OK to attend even if you have not had time to do the reading. You will find an open discussion of wide-ranging topics and many different points of view expressed. You can ask to be added to the Java & Jesus email list by sending email to [email protected]. Click here to see an archive of past readings & topics.

Note: This space will also be used to post other adult education opportunities that occur at 9 am on Sunday mornings.

This week’s Java and Jesus

NOTE: If you are viewing this on your phone and cannot see the whole message below, turn on autorotate on your phone and turn the phone sideways to landscape mode, which should make it readable. We hope to fix this issue with the integration between our emails and the website.