This week’s announcements
Weekly announcements are usually updated on Thursday. Archive of old announcements.
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- ORUCC Weekly Announcements for January 30thby Orchard Ridge UCC
Spiritually Alive, Joyfully Inclusive, Committed to Justice
Weekly Announcements
for Thursday, January 30
Meditation Group–Zoom only
Friday, January 31
9:30 – 10:30 am
Sue Dixon
Sunday, February 2
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
9:00 am Children and Youth Faith Formation
10:00 am Worship
Sermon: Julia Burkey
Lay Liturgist: Ginny Moore Kruse
Musical Offerings: ORUCC Choir
11:00 am Annual Congregational Meeting
Worship Hall
(see below)
Choir Practice
Wednesday, February 5
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Music Room or Worship Hall
Bruce Gladstone
Meditation Group
Thursday, February 6
8:30 – 9:30 am
Romero Room
Becky Baumbach
New Adult Study Group
Thursday, February 6
10:00 – 11:30 am
Swan Room
David Anderman
(see below)
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Save The Date!
March 4th – PartiGras
March 5th – Ash Wednesday Service
March 14-16 – All Church Retreat
February Compassion Offering:
The Crossing
The Crossing is a transformative, creative, and welcoming justice centered campus ministry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Crossing provides a progressive Christian and multi-faith ministry that defines itself as a place where students come to “Belong – Explore – Advocate – Become. The Crossing is a diverse and theologically open-minded ministry that allows students the freedom to critically question faith and tradition, while reconnecting with the life and teachings of Jesus in a historical and prophetic way. The Crossing is a multi-denominational student ministry jointly supported by United Methodists, United Church of Christ, and the American Baptists – all of WI. The Crossing was incorporated in 2008.
The Crossing Advocacy Collaborative is a response to the recognized need for a higher level of organization supporting justice ministry actions. There is today a broadening range of important issues that individually and collectively promote social equity, inclusion and justice.
With the assistance of funding from a ORUCC Compassion Offering, The Crossing will continue its execution of a sustainable program of learning, discovery and strategic, impactful advocacy. Our programming follows the diverse interests found within the Crossing student community. Some of the current and potential advocacy areas include the areas listed below. Bold print represents paid student advocacy positions in the past 18 months:
Affordable housing
Healthcare disparities
Disability rights
Mental health awareness
Gender equality
Labor rights
LGBTQ rights and inclusion
Caribbean Cultural Awareness
Immigration rights
Food Insecurity
Government transparency/accountability
Students’ rights
Interfaith collaborations
Racial equality
War Abolition
Freedom of / from religion
Criminal justice reform
First Amendment rights
Earth care & climate justice
The 2024 Annual Report is now available
The ORUCC 2024 Annual Report (click on link) has been posted to our website. It provides a summary of church leadership, activities and finances in 2024. The Annual Report also includes the agenda for the February 2, 2025 Annual Congregational Meeting. Paper copies of the Annual Report are available at the church.
Friday Breakfast Group – February 7, 9:00 a.m.
The next Friday Breakfast is set for February 7th at 9:00 am at Denny’s, 433 S. Gammon Road. All are welcome! The group meets on the first Friday of the month and includes both men and women. Join us for this informal chance to connect and converse on many topics. Contact Louise Jeanne, Link for more information.
New Adult Study Group
Feeling spiritually discombobulated since the election? Disappointed? Confused? Tempted to throw up your hands or throw in the towel? Tired? Wondering how the church can or should be involved in politics, in social justice and service, in other affairs of the world? Should we just lick our wounds and go to church?
We will dig a little deeper on these kinds of questions through exploring a root question for people of faith: How are the heavenly kingdom and the earthly kingdom related? Or, stated a little differently, less old-fashioned and stuffy: How are church and politics related? Should they be? What are the options and possibilities?
David Anderman will lead a study group on these topics Thursday mornings in the Swan Room 10:00 – 11:30 am February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, with the discussion picking up again after Easter, May 1st, 8th, and 15th. More information will be provided in a hand-out available at church.
Lunch and Learn welcomes Christopher Kolakowski
Wednesday, February 12th, at 11:30 am
Christopher Kolakowski, Director of the Wi Veterans Museum will be our guest speaking on “Wisconsin in the Civil War”. Mr. Kolakowski will share letters from Wisconsin soldiers and their families. You may remember Mr. Kolakowski from his presentation to Lunch and Learn on the “Korean War” a little over a year ago. He is a gifted speaker who will hold your attention with wonderful stories.
We gather at 11:30 am in Friendship Hall for our luncheon with the program beginning at 12:30 pm in Worship Hall. Please join us on the 12th for a delicious luncheon ($10 per person). RSVPs are important for our catering team. Please email Steve Sheets: [email protected].
College Scholarships Available
Members of ORUCC are invited to apply for 2025-2026 college scholarships of $500 to $2,000 from the Frank E. Page Scholarship Fund. Applicants should be planning to begin or continue education at any accredited 2- or 4-year college or university and should have a record of academic achievement, service to church and community, and demonstrated financial need. The application deadline is February 15, 2025; contact [email protected] for an electronic application. Questions? Contact Ann Evensen at [email protected]
Save the Date!
Lenten All-Church Retreat
Daycholah Center, March 14-16
More details coming soon…
for now, mark your calendars!
Sign Up to Volunteer on Sunday Mornings now through March of 2025!
AT ORUCC, the Members are the Ministers!
We are seeking volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings for in-person worship. You need not be a member, simply a person who loves ORUCC and is eager to find a place to serve! Young people are welcome to sign up, too!
Would you consider serving one or more times as
a Coffee Maker, a Welcomer, an Usher, a Lay Liturgist or
to assist with Holy Communion?
Feel free to sign up as an individual, a couple, or a family!
Click here to sign up as a Coffee Maker
Click here to sign up as a Welcomer
Click here to sign up as an Usher
Click here to sign up as a Lay Liturgist
Click here to assist with Holy Communion
After selecting one or more dates, you will need to click “Submit and Sign Up” at the bottom of the page, then enter your name & email address, then click “Sign Up Now.”
Questions or problems signing up?
Contact Ken Pennings at [email protected] or 608-556-2371.
Come sing with us–join our Choir!
All singers are welcome to join our Choir! Rehearsals are Wednesday
evenings from 7:00 to 8:30pm. We sing in worship the first and third
Sundays of the month, gathering for rehearsal 9am those Sunday mornings.
Please share your voice with a group of music-loving friendly people! For more information, email Bruce Gladstone at [email protected].
for you!
Daily Reflections: January 30 – February 5
We are grateful for the ministry of Jeanne Moberly, who is a member of Adult Faith Formation, as she puts together a set of fresh readings every week for our devotional practice at Orchard Ridge UCC. If you know someone who needs encouragement and would like the devotional mailed to them, please contact the church office.
Office Manager George Decker
available Mon.-Fri. 8:30am -12:30 pm
608-271-7212 or EMAIL
Senior Pastor Julia Burkey: available
Office hours: Tuesday – Thursday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
& by appointment Tuesday – Thursday 9:30 am – 5 pm
518-542-6915 EMAIL
Associate Pastor Ken Pennings: available
Tues.-Thurs. 10:00 am -5:00 pm
by appointment
608-556-2371 EMAIL
Associate Pastor Kate Mackey: available
Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
by appointment
608-358-6143 EMAIL
Julia and Ken (try to) take Monday & Saturday as Sabbath days,
Kate Friday and Saturday
Friday is observed as a writing day for the preaching pastor.
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call any of the pastors, as all pastors are available by phone, text and we will always have a pastor on call who we can turn to.
LIKE or FOLLOW the Orchard Ridge FaceBook Page
JOIN our Private FB Group:
Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
1501 Gilbert Road
Madison, WI 53711
Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-12:30
Orchard Ridge UCC | Spiritually Alive, Joyfully Inclusive, Committed to Justice 1501 Gilbert Road | Madison, WI 53711 US