Care of Creation
ORUCC has a long-time commitment to care for the environment as a priority. Our Care of Creation Study Action Group has organized worship, education, service and advocacy opportunities to engage the congregation in both learning and action. We ground this work in our love of God’s creation, and share opportunities to enjoy nature, and to learn and work together.
We are committed to care for the environment as individuals and a church community ourselves. We support each other to make practical changes to ‘green’ our lifestyles and reduce our carbon footprint to combat climate change. As a church, we’ve invested in energy efficiency and conservation, solar hot water heating, “green” grounds and gardens, and more.
We also know that bigger changes in policies and systems must be made to create a sustainable and healthy environment for all life. We’ve organized contacts with state and national policy makers to urge action. We’ve funded some environmental activities through our mission budget and compassion offerings. This is a growing edge for us, and we are exploring more actions for climate justice as a priority for the future.
For more information contact Sara Roberts